Jason Weingardt

Countable Video Messages - Send a video message to your lawmaker

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Jason Weingardt
Hey all! We’re thrilled to launch the next big feature on the Countable platform: video messages! Previously, users who wished to express their opinions to their elected officials about legislation could only do it via text, and now we’re taking it to the next level. We have a piece up on Medium (https://medium.com/@bartolah/who...) providing some more context, but I’ll be here to answer any questions.
Bart Myers
This is so cool. We had this idea after meeting with Cathy McMorris Rodgers staff last fall on a trip to Capitol Hill where we met with a bunch of staffers. So many of them complained that their interaction with their constituents had become form letters and impersonal. They asked us how we could help and then it hit us - what if you could actually tell your lawmaker what you thought?! And here it is... https://www.countable.us/legisla...
Noah Mittman
"and know as soon as their video has been viewed by their lawmaker’s office." Definitely the most intriguing part of this. As a user, the hardest part of Countable has been understanding just how much representatives actually see of content from the app. I wonder just how much video a legislative staff would actually watch… and I guess we're about to find out.
Justin Mound
I believe that the idea behind Countable is incredibly powerful, and an idea whose time has come- It has the potential to make democracy dramatically more efficient. I'm much more interested in knowing how my representatives vote and letting them know how I and their other constituents want them to vote than I am in sending video messages, but if features like these cause it to grow even more, bring 'em on.