Hello everyone!
With the latest release of Countly Server we open sourced rich push notifications. You can now deploy a Countly of your own, in a server that you control and start sending rich push notifications to your customers in minutes.
What Countly rich push brings to the table;
- Push notifications can now include image, video, GIF or mp3 as part of the message
- You can add up to 2 buttons to your push notification each with a URL or deep link of it's own
- Each button text can be localised based on your user's language
Using rich push notifications you will be able to grab the attention of your users even better thus your engagement metrics will skyrocket!
More info about the latest Countly and rich push;
- Latest Countly release: https://github.com/Countly/count...
- Announcement blog post: https://blog.count.ly/latest-and...
- More information about Countly rich push: https://blog.count.ly/whats-new-...
As always, looking forward to all your feedback and let us know if you need help getting Countly up and running.