Recruiting automation platform with AI co-pilot Covey Scout
Alexis Ohanian
Covey Scout Inbound — Bringing human-level nuance to AI candidate screening
Covey Scout Inbound: Bringing human-level nuance to AI candidate screening. Define your ideal candidate, and Covey generates custom AI bots per role, instantly pinpointing the best-fit 5% for each role. Recommended for both mature and scaling orgs alike!
Alexis Ohanian
Pumped to be hunting Covey's Scout Inbound today. The average tech role receives a staggering amount of applications, to the tune of 500, up 3x from last year. For in-demand roles, it's in the several THOUSANDS! As an employer, and I’ve felt this pain intimately, it's imperative to identify the best talent quickly and deliver a high-quality candidate experience. However, lean talent teams are struggling to sift through this kind of volume while providing a fantastic experience. Enter Covey. Vijay and the team have built the first intelligent AI assistant that screens candidates with the nuance of a human. As the strategist behind your role, you can set the criteria & fine-tune the Covey bots to scout for the best fit while maintaining complete visibility into the decision-making process. Scout Inbound will evaluate candidates' profiles with the nuance of a seasoned recruiter(you!), identifying the cream of the crop – the best-fit 5% – in an instant. Whether you're a fast-growing team looking to scale recruiting the right way from the get-go or a mature organization looking to leverage AI to streamline recruiting ops, this is a MUST. Try it out and let me know what you think.
Vijay Mani
Thanks @alexisohanian !! Sincerely appreciate your support!!
Alexis Ohanian
@vjmani Of course! You're very welcome
Danil Kislinskiy
Ghost Kitty
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Ramya Venkateswaran
Love this! I think this is a really important step in restoring confidence and trust in the inbound application process as a whole. Can't wait to see how teams leverage this to improve the recruiting funnel across the board and also deliver a killer candidate experience.
@vjmani : Congrats on the launch team, the product looks amazing.
Congratulations on the launch of Covey Scout Inbound! This innovative approach to AI candidate screening is truly commendable. By allowing organizations to define their ideal candidate and generating custom AI bots for each role, Covey Scout Inbound addresses a critical need in the recruitment process.
Narendra Solanki
Hats off to Covey Scout Inbound! 🎩 I'm intrigued and excited to try your AI candidate screening.
Tonni Bennett
Love this! I'm going to share with a few friends.
eng beshoy
Babajide Oluwatobi
Great project
Babajide Oluwatobi
Great project
Covey Scout Inbound seems like an innovative and powerful tool that could significantly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the recruitment process.
Ida Francis
Chris Sparks
Good luck!
nina k
This helps with a huge pain point. We spend a lot of time thinking about our culture plus how to build a great team. Love that AI can give a team superpowers to create a more responsive process.
Carol Gilbert
Wow looks awesome product.
Anna Postranska
I like this idea 👍🏻
Ghost Kitty
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Chayon Kumar
Its a amazing!
Vijay Mani
Hey Product Hunt 👋 I'm Vijay, one of the co-founders and the CEO of Covey. We've heard from many talent leaders about the challenge of sifting through massive volumes of inbound applications, especially with lean recruiting teams. Roles take a long time to fill, recruiters have high burnout and the candidates have a poor experience. Covey Scout Inbound( solves this. Using Enterprise-grade generative AI, Covey Scout trains custom bots to operate with human-level nuance to evaluate millions of candidate applications instantly surfacing the top 5% talent. As the strategist behind your role, you establish the criteria. Train your AI bot to seek out the ideal match while retaining full insight into the decision-making process. Try it out and let us know what you think. Visit and signup today to get 30% more credits. 🔥
Alexis Ohanian
way to go Vijay!