Clark Valberg

Craft by InVision - Sketch and PS plugins to pull live data into your designs

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Clark Valberg
Today I’m thrilled to be sharing Craft with you. It’s a suite of free tools for Sketch and Photoshop that brings real data into your design process. The 3 plugins within Craft—Type, Photos, and Duplicate—are all about adding context and making smarter UI decisions. Say goodbye to Lorem ipsum. No more constant alt-tabbing between your design and browser to paste (and then resize) photos. And forget inaccurate, cumbersome copy+pasting of design elements. Craft puts the power of data directly into Sketch and Photoshop. And, it’s entirely free. Craft is a product of InVision LABS, our effort to nurture and create the design tools of the future. More is coming soon, so stay tuned. In the meantime, I can’t wait to see what you do with Craft.
Jeremy Wells
@clarkvalberg This is incredible! Super powerful feature I will be using ALL the time. Great stuff!
@clarkvalberg this is really, really dope. So smart and really helps with the efficiency of creating.
Pedro Wunderlich
@clarkvalberg Been using it for a few hours. This is powerful stuff. Like steroids for Sketch. Great job!
Umit Akcan
Wow! I'm not waiting anymore for Adobe Comet. Great job.
Justin Hernandez
You guys keep killing it with great tools that keep design fun and focused. I'm teaching my team the ropes of Sketch + Invision tomorrow and I can't wait to share this. It's rare I feel so strongly about something like this but I really love you guys. Please never change!
Ahmet Sülek
Absolutely game changer! Good job!
Daniel Yanes Arroyo
Looks great, but I haven't been able to use it on Windows. The downloadable file seems to be .app Mac file. Not sure if I'm doing something wrong
Very cool, congrats to all! I'm a big fan of InVision. I'm not a designer and yet it's still a useful tool for me. That's the mark of an excellent UI/UX team. Craft looks like a continuation in that tradition of great execution.
Matt Thornhill
Looks awesome, I'm all over this..
Wow! I am excited about this!
Don Naylor
InVision does it again. Yet again making my workflow better. Thanks team!
Elya Weingrod
@clarkvalberg Way to go! Your on fire! When will we see Motion launched? (I cant wait !)
Isaac Deutsch
@clarkvalberg congratulations!
Trevor Young
Did you guys just kill Comet with a single Sketch plugin? Can't wait to try this out in my workflow! Would love it even more if I could define a custom dataset.
Andy Orsow
@_tyoung Hey Trevor! You can totally do this—check it out:
(around 25 seconds in) let me know if that's what you're looking for or if you're talking about something else :)
Trevor Young
@andyorsow Oh! So cool! Didn't see that! Perfect. Now I just need to get it working 😅 I think maybe the installer puts it in the folder that the Mac Store version of the app used? Copied everything over to the folder that it uses now but still haven't hammered out why it's not running for me. Waiting for help from support :)
@andyorsow @_tyoung this is amazing. always the most annoying part of designing in Sketch, and the best part of designing in-browser
James Carleton
@_tyoung Restarting the Panels app (which installs with Craft) fixed this issue for me. Instructions:
Ryan Guinee
I teared up watching this video. Thank you!
Tyler Clark
Damn. Been using the beta of Adobe Comet and this pretty much takes care of that product's only strengths over Sketch. Sweet!
Max Nucci
Wow 🔥 muy caliente! Will try it out today
Ok, very cool!
Raul Rocawabe
Wow!! Good job!!
Anders Kravis
Two words: Thank you.
Jorge Huerta U
@clarkvalberg Simply wow, these tools make sketch even more powerful and easier to use (I immediately thought in some of the adobe's project Comet features). I've been following InVision's work (the app and all its new additions, the blog, newsletter, etc) and now Crafts. I really think you are positioning yourselves as a reference in app design. Congratulations, I keep looking forward to more of your work.