Here’s to the Crazyones. Crazyones New Tab is a free Google Chrome extension that brings daily inspiration to your new tab. With inspirational quotes and always-on goal reminder, get things done and boost your productivity!
Hey Hunters!
This is Zeon and Mike from Crazyones. Today, We are excited to introduce Crazyones New Tab to you guys.
Carzyones New Tab is a free Chrome Extension that brings inspirational quotes and always-on goal reminder whenever you open a new tab.
The team has carefully selected 250+ inspirational quotes from legendary entrepreneurs such as Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos, and more! When you open a new tab, these great entrepreneurs will call your name and boost your entrepreneurial spirit. Moreover, always-on goal reminder allows you to have a moment of self-reflection on your progress!
Now, it's your turn to open a new tab and get inspired!
If you have any questions or concerns, please share them with us in the comment section or email Zeon at!
Zeon & Mike
FYI: We named "Crazyones" New Tab after watching Apple's unreleased TV commercial "Here's to the crazy ones" in 1977. Think Different!
@techtom10 Thanks Tom! Crazy Ones is an amazing advert. Thanks for the feedback. I'll consider it in the next update. Your support is very supportive to me.
Honestly there were so many thoughts and goals I was aiming for this year that I kept sleeping on. This extension reminds me of what is important everyday and what I should focus on.
Every morning I get to work, I get a sense that I want to do something great and I have the capability to do so.
It starts with this extension.
If you think its only an extension, its just an extension.
But if you think it could be something more, it will exceed your expectations.
Thank you Zeon for sharing this.
I dont think this people are legendary entrepreneurs, I think are just mediocre people supported by worse people. (this is an opinion site, please respect my opinion)
@mike_ji nobody, I hate the entrepreneurial system, is passed off as an exaltation of the best man, in reality it is the sinking and regressing of all the others; I believe in a cooperative/collaborative system without any kind of entrepreneurs, only others don't believe in it.
안녕하세요 ㅎㅎ 2주정도 사용하고 있는 한 유저입니다 :)
잠깐잠깐 새창을 띄울때마다 짤막하게 보여지는 글귀들이 참 많이 자극이 됩니다 :)
그런데 조금 사용하다보니 불편한 사항들이 조금 있었는데
초반에 본인이 직접 입력하는 스텝에서 입력이 매끄럽게 이어지지않더라구요.
타이핑을 길게 다써놓고, 뒤에 한글자가 틀려서 수정하려고하면 다 사라지거나 (수정버튼과 엑스버튼의 차이점을 잘 모르겠습니다.)
다시 입력해야하는 번거로움이 있더라구요.
그리고 명언과, 본인이 쓴글의 텍스트 차이가 별로 없어서
요런부분들을 ui 적으로 다시 체크해주셔도 좋을것같습니다.
@new_user_728352320c 안녕하세요, Crazyones 개발자 입니다.
먼저 사용해주시고, 피드백 주셔서 감사합니다. 말씀해주신 입력했을 때의 UX 개선과 명언과 본인이 쓴 글의 text 차이를 주는 UI 개선을 다음 업데이트 때 반영하겠습니다. 추가적인 피드백을 주실 수 있다면, jihj0701@gmail.com으로 부탁드립니다.
앞으로도 Crazyones 많이 사랑해주시고, 더욱 발전해서 영감과 자극을 드리는 좋은 제품 만들도록 하겠습니다. 감사합니다 :)
Crazyones New Tab