Create a good-looking DMG for your macOS app in seconds
Sam Verschueren

create-dmg โ€” Create a good-looking DMG for your macOS app in seconds


create-dmg is a command-line app that creates a good-looking DMG for your macOS app in seconds. This process usually requires a lot of manual work and decisions.

Sindre Sorhus
The other day I needed to distribute one of my macOS apps as a DMG, but all the existing solutions I could find either required a GUI or lots of config. I wanted something that just worked and that could easily be integrated into my build script. This tool intentionally has no options. It just generates a good-looking code signed DMG from your app. Now instead of spending time on a DMG, you can enjoy more time on Product Hunt! Just curious, would anyone be interested in a macOS GUI drag-n-drop kinda app for this?
Mike Coutermarsh
@sindresorhus I don't develop mac apps, but I'm guessing this is a very common problem that people google for and are willing to pay to solve. ๐Ÿ˜€
Joshua Pinter
@sindresorhus Love this. What would the benefit of a GUI for this be? More options? Like background color, etc.?
Csaba Kissi
@sindresorhus GUI would be great e.g. drag/drop to dock like ImageOptim uses or menu bar application.
Sindre Sorhus
@joshuapinter Even easier usage. Not having to use the command-line. Not having to have Node.js installed. Just drag-n-drop, like with ImageOptim.
Andrรฉ J
Missed this one. Q: how do you get so nice dropshadows in your gif anims? I use photoshop to do it but max 9 sec and limits on size or else it crashes. Thx
Sindre Sorhus
@eonpilot I first record the screen with QuickTime and then import the video into GIF Brewery where I export it with "Optimize GIF colors" using the "Ordered" algorithm. The other algorithms are not able to preserve the shadow. I have yet to find a way to preserve the white color though. You can see the background of the GIF in the readme on GitHub is not purely white like it was recorded. I also sometimes use Photoshop.
Andrรฉ J
@sindresorhus I will try your gifbrewery settings tip. If you use photoshop you will get correct white see my blog post on this: http://stylekit.org/blog/2016/01... But crashes if size or length is too great. ๐Ÿ––
Christian Montoya
I use node-appdmg which is quite simple, only requires a few lines of config to get a sweet custom DMG installer. How is this better/different? And yes, I would love a macOS GUI for this.
Sindre Sorhus
@cm0nt0y4 `appdmg` is used under the hood. It's great at creating DMGs, but it actually requires more than a few lines of config. Closer to 30 lines, and you still have design your own background, which most developers do badly. I feel DMGs should be consistent and simple. That's why I made `create-dmg`. It takes out all the decision-making so you instead can focus on what matters.
Mehedi Hassan
Finally, this is so awesome! Built in code signing is gonna be really handy. Thanks a lot for building this!
Benjamin Jesuiter
This is one of the awesome developer tools by Sindre Sorhus! Great Idea, simple and clean execution working locally and on github actions. GREAT! <3
Nate Smith
This is absolutely fantastic, thank you for creating it.
Dre Durr๐Ÿ’ก
I love anything with the command line So Dope๐Ÿšฌ๐Ÿšฌ
Farbod Saraf
Right on time. You saved my life:D Thanks!
Noah Kim
Create-DMG #bandnames
Jakub Juszczak
I love your simple and very focused tools!
Olivier deLamarzelle
Just WOW ! Thank you so much !!
Sindre Sorhus
Adam Simonides
Thank you so much for this! It's perfect.