Alex Carter

Creative Mornings - John Forte - From humble beginnings to fame with the Fugees

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Alex Carter
Episode description: ""That's the beauty of community: we can spread love." John Forté, a classically trained violinist and Grammy-nominated singer, songwriter and producer from Brooklyn, shares his journey from humble beginnings in Brownsville to fame with the Fugees to serving time in a federal penitentiary. In his talk-meets-concert on humility from CreativeMornings/NewYork in April 2015, John challenges us to investigate how humility gives us room to be better creators — and how our self-perception can get in the way. But he reminds us we’re not alone in this struggle; we have a community behind us, paving the way with love. This is the last episode of our inaugural season. We’ll be back in Spring 2016 with more inspiring, thought-provoking talks. To tide you over, check out our video archive at"