Marco Bambini

Creo 2.0 - The next generation mobile app development tool


Creo 2.0 is a next generation app design and development tool for macOS. This version introduces native Swift exporting and Flex layouts (via Facebook Yoga). We'll soon introduce third party plugins support and in Q3 2019 cross platform Android support (with Kotlin exporter).

Swift exporter showcase is available from:

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E.b. Rosner
Source code exporter available for the first 15 days? Uh no thanks.
Marco Bambini
@e_b_rosner sorry to hear that but we need a way to pay our excellent developers.
Edison Espinosa
is this like Supernova? and what's the main difference ?
Marco Bambini
@edisonjoao6871 Supernova is an excellent STATIC prototyping tool that lets you export UI objects. Creo can export UI objects, app logic (coming soon) and lets you build fully functional app executables ready to be submitted to the App Store (even without Xcode installed).
Andy Dent
@edisonjoao6871 @sqlabs Marco (hi) is being a bit slanderous here. I am a very experienced developer including in code generation tools. I've been using Supernova for months now and they certainly export a lot MORE than just "UI objects". They export full, buildable apps for iOS, Android (choice of Kotlin or Java) and the cross-platform React Native with Flutter in early (usable) release. In particular, you don't need to use the export to see their code alongside the UI in the Codex viewer which has an amazing navigational highlighting scheme that frankly embarrasses XCode. I have found it particularly useful for looking at the consequences of visual editing of animations. I'm not sure where the emphasis on STATIC comes from as my experience with Supernova is anything but static, with the easy prototyping and codegen of animations at the micro-interaction level within screens as well as between them.
Nicola Ferruzzi
@edisonjoao6871 @sqlabs @andydentperth1 as an user of both I think I may help :) creo goes well beyond the prototyping and codegen, the export is not the main focus of creo (which has been just added); the focus of creo, or at least why I do use it, is in providing a tool to make apps from zero to submissions and not just prototypes; therefore the interactions I can make and the code I can write (with the creo language) cover all aspects of an app. For instance my app has a tableview connected to a dataset which is basically a store async populated via api or db selects and the table automatically refresh and populates its cell with the "rows".. this is very visual and I barely needed to write any glue code. So, to me, they have a very different focus and I would answer that they are not the same kind of tool.. but I like them both :)
Aaron O'Leary
What are some of the big updates and what are the plans for this year? Exciting product!
Marco Bambini
@aaronoleary third party plugins and Android support (with Kotlin exporter) and one more thing that I cannot yet disclosure ;-)
Marco Bambini
For Product Hunt users a special 30% discount is available using the coupon code: CREO_PRODUCTHUNT into our online store: Feel free to ask me any question about Creo!
Gag  Gevorgyan
Like this idea.. well done guys
Andrew Gassen
Are there any examples of integrating an app made with Creo with a backend built on Bubble?
Harry Tucker
@betterproductco hey Andrew! I've been doing this, app should be live in the next two weeks. Really simple! You'll need to do a tiny bit of basic code, but it's not hard
Andrew Gassen
@harrytucker Awesome. I'd love to hear about how it goes. Are you over on the Bubble forums by chance?
Harry Tucker
@betterproductco Sure am, same username 😃 I've been doing a bit on Jasonette too if you're interested in that due to its Android compatibility.
Cesar Brandao

MacOS only




MacOS only

Love the new UI <3
Arnob Mukherjee
This is ultimate, Any example apps that to see how the backend works?
Ariana Freebird
What happens after the 15 days?? Or rather *how much* is it after 15 days??