My number 1 search when I'm in a new city is good coffee shops to work from with solid Wi-Fi and plugs.
I know there's a few sites that exist that help with this but my problem was making it easy to see while I was on the go. Oftentimes, I would just have my phone and needed to find the closest place around me.
So what we did with this project is connect each city to a Foursquare list that can be saved on your phone and seen when you open Foursquare's app.
We created collections for 10 of the biggest cities in North America and London in the UK. 100 coffee shops total with Wi-Fi passwords and plug locations.
If you don't have Foursquare, we added a Google Map that uses your location data to spot what's closest to you.
Our goal was to find enough coffee shops so you could move from coffee shop to coffee shop on foot.
Hope this helps if you're traveling and looking to get some work done :)
More on backstory for why we built this here:
Feel free to recommend a coffee shop here:
Nice work! I'd love to have your recommendations added to Workfrom as well. You're clearly part of the family :) and if I can be helpful!
Thanks @darrenbuckner! Ya, Workfrom looks great man. Saw you're from Portland. Would love to grab coffee if I make it there. I guess we'll know where to go :)
Gentlemen: It seems there's a bunch of us who believe in the "working from coffee shops" culture. Rightfully so! Happy to get in on the collective action with Hit me up @TheCoffice. (It's powered by Sam.)
Awesome stuff guys. I noticed Calgary, AB wasn't on there. After living in San Francisco for a bit, I realize I under appreciated the number of great cafes to work from in the city. Although, a lot of them are new or new-ish, the city is changing rapidly as it's been growing quite fast. I submitted a whole bunch to you guys, a couple of the shops have multiple locations as well.
Oh weird I thought this was going to be Philip Rosedale's Coffee and Power. I guess that shut down? Anyway, this is awesome. I work out of coffee shops all the time. I have a few good ones to add here in NYC and SF.
@taykcrane Thanks Taylor :) Ya, we were thinking of maybe doing something for mobile but Foursquare did what we needed to make it work more or less the way we wanted it to.
There likely won't be anywhere within a few hours of me anytime soon, so can I add to the list myself? I am in Royal Leamington Spa which is an affluent area with lots of places like those listed, but it's far from any big city. It would also be good if the wifi could be stated as either fast, ok, or slow.
Awesome Job! We have been inspired by this and we decided to create an app that does even more !
Our app is called Crema App here is the link :
We are live in 6 different cities : Montreal, New York, San Francisco, Toronto, Paris and Berlin ! We offer information like is there any wifi, you can order an Uber from the app, and know where are the closest coffee shops to you position. In the coming weeks we will be introducing the payment solution where you will be able to pay for your favourite daily cup of java !
Made in Montreal with a lot of coffee love !
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Product Hunt
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Virtual Cafes by Workfrom
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Virtual Cafes by Workfrom
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Clubs Poker - For Companies
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