Antoine Balaresque

Cruise - A simple to use accounting tax app for freelancers

Cruise is a lightweight iOS app ($4.99/m) that lets freelancers separate their personal and business expenses, track their tax bill in real-time, and easily export their tax data (Schedule C) when they’re ready to file.

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Antoine Balaresque
Hi everyone, I’m Antoine 👋 and I’m super excited to launch Cruise to the community. Cruise is an iOS app that simplifies taxes for freelancers. 😵 The problem I’ve been freelancing for 5 years and every year I scramble to do my books two weeks before taxes are due. Whether I used an accountant or used TurboTax, filing taxes as a self-employed person was always confusing and stressful. 🤔 I tried solving this problem with existing tools Over the years, I tried many accounting tools, but they all felt overly complicated and expensive. For example, Quickbooks is clunky and starts at $15/m, and Wave is free but they have no mobile app and their support sucks. 🤷‍♂️ 👍 Solution Cruise is a lightweight app ($4.99/m) that lets freelancers separate their personal and business expenses, track their tax bill in real-time, and easily export their tax data (Schedule C) when they’re ready to file. 💁‍♂️ Ask If you’re self-employed or have a side hustle, I would love your feedback on the app. It’s free to try and I’m happy to help you get setup. Excited to get feedback from the community! 🤓 Thank you, Antoine
Joe Speiser
Looks really slick, I'm pumped to test it out!
Bridger Tower
Been needing this! Just signed up!
Antoine Balaresque
@brdgr Awesome, thanks!