Track your crypto portfolio at one place like a pro
Utkarsh Mehta
CryptFolio — Track your crypto portfolio at one place like a pro
1. Add trades from different exchanges
2. Get a unified dashboard to see an overview of your portfolio
3. Get the demand and supply of cryptos
4. Detect dips, get Profit/Loss info and invest accordingly
5. Get notifications for profits
New features coming soon
Utkarsh Mehta
I was not happy with the dashboards offered by popular cryptocurrency exchanges. I always had to calculate profit-loss, average buy price in case of multiple trades for particular crypto, etc. So I made a small dashboard just for me to get all the info I need about my portfolio in one place. After showing it to a few friends and cousins who were also investing in crypto they asked for access to the dashboard. So at that point, I added login and signup functionality and hosted the app to make it available to all. I did soft launches to ask for user feedback and investors were really happy with the UI and features. There were requests to make other exchanges available on the platform so I added the new exchanges and still adding new ones as per requests. I myself use the app every day and most of the existing users use it on a daily basis so users and myself are coming up with new features to make the app better and more useful. So please give it a try and share your feedback.
Utkarsh Mehta
Added support for Huobi Global crypto exchange🚀.