Pedro Juan Segura Cabrera

Crypto candle data - Historical cryptocurrency data from your preferred exchange

Crypto Candle Data (CCD) is a service that provides customizable historical cryptocurrency data regardless of the exchange. Minimize exchange-specific syntax and maximize ease-of-use. CCD can be used via API and/or web.

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Pedro Juan Segura Cabrera
Hello Product Hunt! We're excited to see CCD being launched here today and wanted to have a quick work about how it all started. We know the variety of crypto exchanges out there, i.e. kraken, binance, coinbase, kucoin, bitstamp, bittrex, etc. and the configuration you may have to extract historical candle data for one exchange is certainly (and sadly) not transferrable to another exchange. They have different syntax, they support different crypto pairs and intervals, some don't allow to specify start and end dates and the list goes on. CCD solves it by having a standard, unified way to interact with crypto exchanges. Initially, we built it for our internal use and then realized there might be more people in the same situation, so we made a product out of it. Hope you enjoy it!