Raman Ksaitor

Crypto Jobs List 3.0 - Biggest crypto job board on the web 👨‍💻 🤑

The biggest cryptocurrency, blockchain and web3 job board on the web. Over 3.9k jobs from 1.4k leading crypto companies and foundations, 56k applications, 1.2k salaries and 18k+ talent profiles.

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Raman Ksaitor
gm Product Hunters! 👋 It's hard to believe it's been 4 years since the first launch of Crypto Jobs List on Product Hunt in 2017! In crypto, 4 years is something like 15 in the… in the NGMI world ;) Okie, let’s get to it: 🌱 How it started I started Crypto Jobs List because I was looking for a job in crypto. It’s 2017, I’m heartbroken and burnt out by my 4 years of failed startups. I was done with entrepreneurship and needed a job. Crypto was going back up, was still early and confusing, yet I felt like if I’m gonna get back to being a salaryman I better be early. Finding a job in crypto was hard. LinkedIn was a mess, RemoteOk for crypto didn’t exist, Indeed had military cryptography PhD jobs… So inspired by @levelsio's success I decided to give it a go. I kept my expectations super low and started Crypto Jobs List almost as a joke that will surely fail. Two days of code and a Google Form to submit jobs. That’s it. But the timing was right somehow and it took off 🚀 How it’s going Today, I'm excited to launch Crypto Jobs List 3.0 - which is a result of continuous improvement over the past 4 years, as well as a few new products & features added to it. Here we go: - 🙋‍♂️👩‍💻 Talent List — create your professional profile and let top Crypto and Web3 companies reach out to you, instead of you chasing them. We are working on making it crypto-native and have some crypto-only fields on your resume, that would help you showcase your journey and experience in crypto. Things like: the year you joined crypto, which coin communities you follow and more. We already have a few thousand subscribers and welcome PH community to join and give it a try! - 💰💸 Web3 Salaries — Navigating compensation in the metaverse crypto wild west + being remote ain’t easy. So I've built a salary submission and benchmarking tool. Anyone can anonymously submit their salary, and in return get full access to other salary submissions. No cookies or other shady tracking mechanisms. I generate a unique token, keep it in local storage, and only request salaries with it. Try it out! There are now 1114 approved salaries across tech and non-tech roles to compare against. - 💬 Community - I was scared to launch this, fearing moderation-hell and added anxiety to my daily BUIDling, but here we are - please welcome to our Discord where we connect, chat about working in crypto, community management, content, engineering and more. - 📝 Open Source - what fun is it to write all the code by yourself and not learn from others? Especially in web3. We are slowly but surely open sourcing all the things and started with i18n a.k.a. internationalization - 🌚 Dark Mode - I just couldn’t announce CJL 3.0 without it! 🛠️ How is it built My initial tech stack was a server-side rendered Sails.js written in CoffeeScript with a sprinkle of jQuery to capture emails and animate text. Hosted on Heroku and MongoDB as storage. That went well, companies submitted jobs, people applied, google was happy… Then I moved to React on Parcel.js + SemanticUI hosted on Netlify - Google was not happy. And finally, in 2020, I did a complete rewrite of everything and moved to Next.js + Tailwind CSS . The bottom line here is - pick a tech you are familiar with and is good for the job. CoffeeScript/JavaScript/TypeScript is my lingua franca so that’s what I went with. If you are in love with js/ts, react and building front ends like me, my only piece of advice is to religiously keep track of your web vitals, build size, and crawlability from day 0. Ideally, set up tests, so you don’t ship code to prod that gets you out of the green zone. Make sure your js/css is treeshaken and minified, and HTML is server-side generated and served. If I were to start from scratch today, I’d probably go with full-on typescript, Next.js, TailwindCSS + postgress on Supabase or something like Directus or Strapi. Definitely would love to try Supabase (Beta) by @copple Images are generated by fellow Product Hunter @arminulrich and his product Placid . Zapier is really useful. Even if you can code everything yourself, don’t! Use as much no-code as you can. I use Zapier to trigger 3rd party integrations faster. Things like posts on LinkedIn, Insta, Twitter, etc… Check out @bentossell, if you don’t know him yet - huge inspiration for what’s possible with no-code and low-code approach. 🥰 Thank you all for your support I strongly believe that if you are into crypto long-term, the best thing you can do is to not just HODL, but actually BUIDL. And you don't have to be technical to be part of it all and help move this community upward. If you are not into crypto, I hope there is some inspiration here somewhere, mistakes to avoid and lessons to learn! Feel free to ask me questions, would love to share as much as I can. Uponly 🚀 p.s. Special thanks to @nextgenguy @Peiman @Farhan @seb2point0 @serrynaimo @JoshuaHay @adam_seoptimer and many others for help and support, feedback over the years!
Raman Ksaitor
Live streaming this launch 😅 https://www.twitch.tv/ksaitor
Remco Strijdonk
@ksaitor Intersting that Google didn't like the switch to React, did you drop spots in the SERPs because of SEO issues with the stack?
Raman Ksaitor
@remco_strij unfortunately CJL did drop in rankings for some time. Part due to moving to JS stack, another part due to Google's of a lot of crypto terms in mid 2018. Last but not least, i think i've over-engineered a few things and google didn't like that lol. We are working hard to bring back the rankings on track. More jobs, more content, more success stories 🚀 Congrats on launching SaaS.jobs. I understand you've started it in 2021, right? I think WP set up could do wonders for you. Just keep things simple, avoid bunch of js and wp plugins. Build backlinks and partner with other publications. SEO is the name of the game here. Unless you wanna start full on recruitment service, which is a very profitable business if you can pull it off (i can't just yet 😅)
Remco Strijdonk
@ksaitor Ah yes I can see a small dip on Semrush in your ranking, but looks like you've recovered mostly! Thanks re. SaaS.jobs, Wordpress has been working surprisingly well, although performance isn't always great. I would defenitely prefer a headless CMS/ proper platform built from scratch, will need to learn how to code properly first! Also, your pricing model is very interesting, nothing I've seen before!
Ben Nur
Congrats on the launch @ksaitor! Excited to see Crypto Jobs List thriving and growing fast.
Raman Ksaitor
@batyr_nurbekov Thanks for your support Ben! When are you launching your next product? 😅
Raman Ksaitor
@batyr_nurbekov Nice! looking solid. Can't wait for the launch 🚀
Armin Ulrich
congrats @ksaitor !! amazing how big cryptojobslist became 🤯 I noticed that you allow payment in BTC/ETH - do you see an increasing number of postings being paid with crypto currency in 2021?
Raman Ksaitor
@arminulrich thanks for your support and for Placid, Armin! Definitely saved us quite a bit of time maintaining image infra and creating new preview images fast
Vignesh Selvasundar
Hey @ksaitor, I have something I've been thinking about. Crypto Jobs List has two products now. One is where Employers post jobs and people apply to them. The other is Talent List, where people can showcase their skills and employers can directly recruit them. This is like two opposite ways of employing and getting employed. Which do you think works better for both sides?
Raman Ksaitor
@nextgenguy great question, sir! And first of all thanks for all your help with CJL so far 🚀 It might seem that these products conflict each other but they really not. There is no one way to hire (fortunately or unfortunately 😅 ). For certain roles it's most effective to just post a job add and get people to apply. For some other roles, you might be better off searching and reaching out to the right talent directly. In certain cases you need to do both. So I wouldn't say that one is better than the other. From candidate standpoint of view, you'd also want to do both. If you want to work full time in crypto, you are better of proactively applying to jobs, as well as having your profile up and let companies apply directly.
sulyman moyo
you guys are building and iterating fast, ups to you Wanted to create something similar but you guys got it covered WAGMI!
Raman Ksaitor
@repreneur Thank you! Wish i could ship even more and faster, but often i find shooting myself in the foot by overengineering things haha. I've got to give credit to several people (Farnah + Peiman + Oleksandr Fediashov @layershifter, i think they are not on PH) for technical support, especially on Frontend. Regarding launching another crypto/blockchain/web3/defi/nft job board. From one POV, it's not too late - there are several other job boards launched the same week we did in 2017 and about 10++ more launched in the following years. Some of them are even doing pretty well! 😬 Imho there is always another news niche and you can take it over and own it. Especially if that niche starts growing rapidly and is vastly different from other niches (so that you can have features, that competitors unlikely to introduce)
Sébastien Couture
This is my goto place for hiring. Keep it up Raman. wagmi
Raman Ksaitor
@seb2point0 🙌 thank you for your support Seb! Amazing work with Epicenter Podcast and your side projects. Waiting for you to launch more apps
Imo Bábics
Awesome work, I have been following your growth since you launched version 1.0.
Raman Ksaitor
Thank you for your support @imob84 ! It's super awesome that there are some many people been following this journey from the start. What top 3 things you like about the site and what 3 things you'd improve about it?
Very interesting community, I will definitely be taking my next hire from here...
Konrad Bujak
Check my collection of Job search tools. You have quite some competition for crypto jobs
Roney Laurent
Crypto Jobs List is really good platform. I use a lot for found new jobs and opportunities. The best platform for cryptojobs in the world. Thank you so much!
Raman Ksaitor
@vulgo_ronin thanks Roney! 🙏
Dawid Zamkowski
Congrats, Roman! Do you want to make it different from other crypto job boards? How?
Raman Ksaitor
@dawidzamkowski thanks Dawid! Good question. CJL been one of the earliest crypto job boards and so far it looks like all other crypto job boards are trying to differentiate :) That being said, we have a few of things going for us - massive community and network of companies - most important imho. - unique features such as salary comparison, company directory, open stats, and Talent List :)
Dawid Zamkowski
@ksaitor Yeah, community is a very powerful thing. Can I find your revenue somewhere? I've checked stats page but there is no revenue.
Ivan Manchev
So far the best crypto job board out there. I like it even better with the added features
Serge Baudrillart
Hi there, I would definitely keep using Crypto Jobs - thank you Raman for this time and effort during all these years of struggle. Very BIG UP! Serge