Eric Willis

Cryptominded - Where you learn more about cryptocurrencies


Cryptominded is a curated directory of the best cryptocurrency resources. We're slowly transforming the website into the best place for beginners to learn about cryptocurrencies. We recently build the 'WhereToBuy' tool, which you can use to find the perfect exchange available to you to buy cryptocurrencies. Check it out!

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Dylan Damsma
Thank you for hunting Eric! Hi all! was a small side project I worked on for the past 3 weeks that escalated a little :) I got very interested in cryptocurrencies myself lately and had a hard time finding new resources and useful tools, so I asked some people whether I should make such a site and the common answer was "Yes, do it!". So, here we are 3 weeks later! I'm super excited about how it developed itself. I hope you enjoy the site too. Don't forget to upvote or submit your favourite resources. โœŒ๐Ÿผ I hope to turn this site into the perfect beginners resource for those that seek to get started with cryptocurrencies and guide them along the way. Tips and suggestion are very much welcome! Best, Dylan
Bram Kanstein (@bramk)
@dylandamsma Very cool Stash Dylan! :)
David Jackson
@dylandamsma Hi Dylan, how do you curate resources that fall in many categories? Should we submit them under multiple categories, or will you all handle that? Just submitted one for my company. Thank you!
Josh Castle
@dylandamsma Cool story bro! I just begin to learn cryptocurrency and such tools that, guys like you made for its development, are awesome! I already mined a little and made transfer safely due to after hard year of working now searching how to withdraw money from account! If someone can help it would be nice!
Aleksandr Volodarsky
Looks good. Will join the Slack community. Is it active?
Dylan Damsma
@volodarik Yes, it's not such a big community yet, but we've some pretty active members :)
Piotr Kulpiล„ski
Great collection and really nice theme you've used there! :D
Awesome site. I've been using it for a while and it has quite a few sites I've never seen before. Quality stash!
Dylan Damsma
@h3nno Thank you for your support ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป
Great work, congrats!
Dylan Damsma
@vesln Thank you! :)
Awesome resource and great community!
Dylan Damsma
@joblab Thank you for the kind words :)!
Daniel Ehevich
Great Job Dylan! Would you mind adding @TheCryptoHawk to the directory? It's a cryptocurrency chat bot with price alerts, news and educational sides
Dylan Damsma
@thecryptohawk @ehevich please submit it through the site and I will add it by tonight!
Gus Ferguson
This is very useful - Thanks @Dylandamsma!
Kumy Veluppillai
Super handy! Timely as I've been spending more time recently trying to get to grips with this world.
Dylan Damsma
@koomerang Thank you Kumy! Join the community if you'd like :)
Gianni D'Alerta
Don't forget to add the Jaxx wallet to the list of Wallets. Just sent you an update request.
Dylan Damsma
@giannidalerta Added it to the site, thank you for the submission!
@giannidalerta @dylandamsma and also don't forget to add Crypton price tracker :) , I sent the request as well
Samir Doshi
was thinking this would be a good idea! Well executed... on the site now
Depesh Mandalia
This is a great resource for a layman like me to get started thanks Dylan
Dylan Damsma
@depeshm Thank you!
Paul Kemp
A helpful resource to all of us interested in cryptocurrencies
Dylan Damsma
@paul_s_kemp Thank you!
Gary Ma
Nice, a crypto wicki !
Luciano Becerra
Very useful website! It would be nice to have a Cloud Mining category where you can see the best alternatives for that
Josh Petty
One of my most used Crypto resources, its got everything!
David Beaulieu

time will tell.


free info


i do not know.

Anthony B

easy to navigate with good collection of sites and information


easy to navigate


none so far

Catalin Stratu
I liked the idea, but how can I give you ask to add a project?
Rudy Lee
This looks really useful! Especially with so many new people becoming interested in crypto.