
Crystal - Clean and simple spending tracker for credit card users


Crystal is a free mobile app with budgeting tools and monthly spending activity insights. We present info clearly & you can compare your activity to past months (at least 2 years of transactions). You can set budgets and share your progress with friends.

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Hey Product Hunters! 👋 We created an app to understand spending and create budgets in a clear and simple format. 💵 We started Crystal because we felt a disconnect between what we spent and understanding our spending patterns. We wanted something that was clear, easily digestible, and provides me with context from past transactions. Other apps weren’t particularly valuable and - they constantly disconnected from my banks, only group one month of transactions, and take a do-it-all approach which overwhelmed me. Crystal focuses on just budgeting and spend tracking - and does it well. We have up to 2 years of transactions and waaay more context and info for each transaction than other apps do. We launched an MVP on Android in September. It’s free to try and we’d love your feedback! If you’re on iOS, check out this demo of the app here: We really want to hear from you about your pain points on other apps and what you think about what we’re providing here. PS: Up next we’re adding a social aspect where you can share your budget progress with friends. Let us know what you think and if you’d share yours with your friends to keep each other accountable! 🙂
Tell us what you think! Although we have an MVP on the app store, we're SUPER interested in hearing user feedback and what kind of features they want in this space!
Zac Denham
Great product, love the categorization
Stephanie Lampotang
Nice initiative and product! Congrats on the launch 🚀 Love it