CSS box-shadow examples by CSS Scan is a curated collection of 82 free beautiful CSS box-shadow, ready-to-use for your next projects, click to copy it.
π Hi Hunters!
One of the reasons I created CSS Scan was because I'm always interested in knowing how some websites make their box-shadow.
So I made this collection of my favorite box-shadow on the internet, and I'll be adding new shadows to the list every time I see some new ones.
π¨ CSS box-shadow examples by CSS Scan is a curated collection of 82 free beautiful CSS box-shadow.
π Bookmark it (keep it on your favorites) and use it whenever you need it for your projects!
All you have to do is click on a box you like, and it'll copy its CSS box-shadow rule.
And if you have any ideas or suggestions, I'm all ears.
Thanks all! π
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This is awesome, I always struggle to get a decent looking box shadow so I have a little collection I use for all my sites. This site makes it a 100x better!