Shared visibility for your team’s most important work
Chris Messina
Current — Share work-in-progress & get weekly AI powered summaries
Current increases your team’s visibility on the work happening across the company. Designers, Engineers, and PMs can share work from Figma, Loom, Miro, Notion, Drive, Github, and more. Weekly AI-powered summaries keep the whole team aligned and informed.
Igor Babovic
So proud of everyone on the team for building what Current is today! Over the past few months we’ve been exploring how to better include and enable the workflows of non-design roles. Adding CodeSandbox and CodePen integrations has enabled our engineering to easily share examples, tips and recipes. We’ve also added a GitHub integration which, to the joy of all PMs and engineers out there, posts automatically for you! There are so many things that we’re working on, and I can’t wait for us to show you the next thing that we’re cooking up! I’m incredibly grateful for being a part of this amazing team! 🫶 Hit me up if you have any questions, I’ll be around.
Scott Savarie
Wanted to also throw a big shoutout to @lea_schwegler who completely revamped our brand in under 2 weeks! 🙌. Our goal was to stand out from the popular aesthetic many startups are going for these do you think we did? 😅
Lea Schwegler
I have been using Current for a while now, and I am consistently thrilled to see the incredible work being done by everyone in my team. The ability to gain visibility into the projects and tasks of my fellow colleagues has significantly boosted our team spirit, making collaboration a more enjoyable and rewarding experience. Feeling incredibly grateful to be a part of this team and to witness the journey of our product!
Scott Savarie
Hey folks! I'm Scott, one of the cofounders of Current 👋 Since January 2022, we've been in a private beta, developing Current to help product-led teams increase visibility and alignment on the work happening across their company. Our team consists of people from places like Coinbase, Meta, Shopify, InVision, Coursera, and more. Whether the companies were small, medium, or large, we each experienced the same issues: Duplicate efforts: ICs from Team A and Team B work on similar problems without realizing it, missing out on opportunities to collaborate and share knowledge. Lack of work visibility for leadership: Heads of department, VPs, and Execs don’t know where to find the latest work. To address this, middle management spend hours each week creating time-consuming reports by gathering links, images, and summaries from the team. Limited insight for other roles: Sales, Support, and other departments only see the product when it's about to be released. They totally miss out on opportunities to use any knowledge of how the product is currently evolving in their interactions with existing or potential customers. This year more than ever it’s important for teams to have extremely high output and not waste time with processes around the actual work. We believe the most high-performing teams have an open and collaborative culture where ideas are shared early and often— and we’ve built Current to facilitate this: One feed to view updates from dozens of tools: Share and view work from various tools like Figma, Loom, Notion, Miro, Mural, Google Drive, Github, Codepen, Codesandbox, Protopie, Rive, and Spline. Our integrations let you do things like post directly from Figma or Figjam using our plugin or automatically post to Current when pull requests in Github are merged. All posts are categorized into specific work-streams which can be followed to get a higher signal feed. No more getting lost in Figma files, trying to find links in Slack, or hunting through old emails. Slack Integration: Broadcast posts to various channels so cross-functional partners are looped in, set up reminders to facilitate rituals around sharing updates, and get notifications for important activity on Current. We plan on adding support for Teams and other chat tools soon. AI-powered weekly summaries: Current automatically generates weekly summaries from the posts that were shared throughout the week. No need to spend time crafting lengthy update emails—everyone is automatically notified when the new weekly summary is ready. Watch video We’re super excited to celebrate tearing off our beta badge today by launching on Product Hunt! Our product will remain free until 2024, so we hope you try it out! 🙏 Special thanks for @chrismessina for hunt 🙌 We’ll be hanging out in the comments for any questions or feedback—would love to hear from you! 👇
Basak H
Congrats, team! Big fan of your mission to increase design visibility and collaboration. Looking forward to trying it out.
Charles Patterson
Congratulations team on a damn great product and all of the success so far!
Vladimir Milošević
@charlespattson Thanks Charles for your longtime support! 💚
Current is a great way to share in-flight work with your whole team. The Slack integrations, Weekly Drops, and work Streams make Current a powerful tool for getting on the same page.
Scott Savarie
@jdsimcoe Appreciate your support Jonathan!
Nick Naumov
Great idea, guys, congrats! I was exited by your product description and even decided to try it for my team, however, I realised that it mostly fits the need of bigger teams. I only have around 10 people for now, and I don't think Current's gonna help me a lot with our working processes, am I right? Are you building your product for bigger companies, or does it make sense to try it in small startups?
Vladimir Milošević
@nikita_naumov Appreciate the feedback, thank you! 🙏 While our product was initially designed for larger teams, we're always working on improving it and better serving smaller teams like yours too. We're here to support you and your team, and make the experience as beneficial as possible, so please feel free to share any specific needs or questions you might have (here or over email, whatever works best). We're all about continuous improvement!
Scott Savarie
@nikita_naumov Thanks @nikita_naumov ! There are actually a handful of a similar sized teams using our product today. While some of the pains don't exist at your size yet, teammates still benefit from having a single place to see ideas being worked on and being able to easily find links to work that was shared. One cool story we've heard a few times is after using the product for a few months, when someone new joins the team, they can go on Current and find all the work and ideas that were created for certain topics. Curious to know if there's more features targeted towards smaller teams you’re specifically looking for?
Steph Nass
On my to-do list for tomorrow, can't wait to give it a try!
Vladimir Milošević
@stephnass Awesome, let us know what you think! 🙌
Scott Savarie
@stephnass Love to hear it! Let us know how it goes!
Benjamin Christine
My team and I have been using Current for a few months and it’s been really useful. At first we were unsure but with the slack integrations and everyone contributing, the alignment and communication it brings across the team is great and will be hard to imagine not having it. We love going over the last week and months to review and retro on all the work. Keep up the great work!
Vladimir Milošević
@benjieboo Thanks so much for the kind words, really appreciate it! 🙏
Benjamin Christine
We are really keen to have a role which isn’t a contributor for team members who aren’t designers (devs, prod mng, stakeholders)
Vladimir Milošević
@benjieboo We might just have something like that coming out soon! 😉
Scott Savarie
@benjieboo This is so great to hear, thanks for sharing how y'all are using it! We are planning to add a viewer role, which would only be able to add reactions and comments. Would that address the issue you're facing?
Scott Savarie
@benjieboo on it!
Zain Sheikh
Congrats! Current looks like an amazing product. Can't wait to see how it helps teams stay aligned and informed.
Scott Savarie
@zain_sheikh Appreciate you taking a look Zain! Let us know how it goes!
Scott Hanford
This resonates a lot. People spend SO much time working to prove that they're...working. Love how this is looking and excited to give it a try. Congrats @scottsavarie & team!
Scott Savarie
@scott_hanford Exactly! All the work around the actual work. We want to help teams eliminate that and focus on the stuff that matters. Thanks for checking out Current!
Alfred Malmros
Actually cool SaaS that fills a need I've had weekly that can lead to unnecessary friction in teams. Nice! Can't wait to try.
Scott Savarie
@alfred_malmros Appreciate it Alfred! Let us know what you think after you've had a chance to try it out
Andreas Lopez
I wish this had an integration with Milanote. It's a niche software but it's amazing for whiteboard / brainstorming and documenting. I use it for 5+ different projects professional and personal.
Vladimir Milošević
@andreas_lopez1 Thanks for the feedback, we'll dig into it! 💪
Scott Savarie
@andreas_lopez1 Thanks for the feedback! Curious if you could expand how you'd like that integration to work? Would you want to embed Milanote boards in Current?
Vlad Zivkovic
Awesome tool! Congratulations on your launch! 🚀🚀
Vladimir Milošević
@vladimir_zivkovic Thank you for the nice words, appreciate it! 🙏
Congratulations on your launch on Product Hunt 🎉
Vladimir Milošević
@hussain_ahmed3 Thank you for your support, appreciate it! 🙏
Scott Savarie
@hussain_ahmed3 Thanks Hussain!
Rana Phool
Amazing! Current looks like a great way to keep the team aligned and up-to-date!
Scott Savarie
@rana_phool Thanks for taking a look Rana! Would love to hear your feedback if you have a chance to try it out 🙌
Vladimir Milošević
@rana_phool Thanks for the kind words! Give it a spin and let us know what you think!
ahjung jin
Huge congratulations on successfully launching on Product Hunt! 🎉
Vladimir Milošević
@poko Thanks so much for your support! 🙏
Scott Savarie
@poko Thank you for your support!
Pete Henderson
The AI newsletter is such a nice touch, consumable information for people in the company who might not have time to keep up with the changes, or have been on annual leave. Looking forward to following along with this one!
Scott Savarie
@peeeteh Thanks Pete! Would love to hear any more feedback you have once you've given it a go!
Vladimir Milošević
@peeeteh Thank you for the nice words! 🙏
Victor Cucu
nice, great job, have fun today!
Vladimir Milošević
@victorcucu7 Thanks Victor, appreciate the support! 🙏
Scott Savarie
@victorcucu7 Appreciate it! Thanks for checking us out 🙏