Neal Shyam

Current time for Alexa Flash Briefing — Get the current time in your Flash briefing


Current time for Flash Briefing is an Alexa skill that puts the current US time in your Flash Briefing. Don't know why it's not in there by default, so I added it :)

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Neal Shyam
I dig Alexa's Flash Briefing and I've been making hella skills for it. The thing is, it's missing a key feature: the current time. I don't own clocks or wear a watch, but I do call up my briefing 2-3 times a day. What's weird is that, if you ask Alexa "what's up?" she'll give you the current time, the weather, your next calendar appointment, and some random news. It's a way better invocation name than Flash Briefing, but it's not promoted & you can't configure it like your Briefing. So, with blergs in my heart, I set out to change this for all Alexins. Basically, it generates a Flash Briefing feed with the current time for all four US timezones (ET, CT, MT, PT)