Kaspar Ahvike

CyberCat - A game made through comments - Adventure, action, 2D, mobile game, community project


Hello! been running this project for a year now in which I collect random comments from my viewers and turn them into life. Take control of a powerful kitty in a 2D world of outline graphics, elimininating foes, collecting catnip and becoming crazy.

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Kaspar Ahvike
Hello! I'm Kaspar from Estonia. I have a rare disease which prevents my body from processing protein normally. I'm underweight, look like 18 eventho I'm 27, and I don't have a long life-expectandy so I started making CyberCat as a "long"-term project which I'll keep updating until the end of my days. I collect all types of random comments from my TikTok videos and add them into the game. Anyone can comment anything and I'll bring them to life. (as long as the comment isn't offensive or get me cancelled by other means) Current progress: * the game consists of 250 random comments and contains 24 levels. So far what I've heard from testers: * The game is hard but then again balanced. * People seem to love the unqiue outline style of the game. * People are grateful that their comments get credited within the game and they are shown exactly what room the comment was used in. What I'm hoping for: Well, I'm realtively poor. Live off of minimum wage and so far have spent +3000€ to get all of this running. But all I'm hoping for is that I get to see people playing my game before I pass away.