Cypress - An end-to-end testing framework for Javascript 🛠️
Fast, easy and reliable testing for anything that runs in a browser. Install Cypress in seconds and take the pain out of front-end testing.
Fast, easy and reliable testing for anything that runs in a browser. Install Cypress in seconds and take the pain out of front-end testing.
US Layoffs Explorer
Cypress is pretty awesome as it doesn't rely on Selenium, meaning that it's super fast and reliable.
Pros:Easy to setup and use
Cons:No cross browser tests: only Chrome
Amazing testing tool for frontend developers. The cypress team just get's our pain in this area.
Pros:Easy to use for frontend developers.
Cypress is awesome. It's probably the best e2e testing frameworks that exists. Their liaisons in the community are equally awesome. There's tons of trainings and presentations on the product all the time.
Pros:Very easy to use. I love the little details. Much better than protractor.
Cons:Doesn't come built in to angular. :-(
Quokka is the best tool for modern E2E testing, period.
Pros:Extremely easy to get started, great docs, all batteries included
Cons:CoffeeScript makes it a bit hard for me personally to follow some interesting bits of Cypress source code - yes, it is OSS by the way!
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