Mauricio Morales

Arthur the Rubber Chicken - A rubber chicken that brings the focus back to the meeting 🐓

Rubber chickens are known for studying radiation in space, singing Star Wars theme songs and lately, helping teams have productive meetings.

I'm Arthur, a rubber chicken that you can squeeze every time you want to bring the conversation back to the main issue.

Feel free to overuse me!

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Mauricio Morales
Hey PH!! 🕵️‍♀️ 🕵 Mauricio from Dailybot here. We came up with the idea of Arthur 2 weeks ago after a very unproductive meeting we had. Our team is fully remote and we use Zoom on a daily basis for our meetings using the ‘raise hand’ feature often, but we lacked a more non-polite way to get everyone’s attention back to the main issue when necessary. We have made this fun way of having more productive meetings and are now sharing it with the world to get feedback and improve it. So go ahead and squeeze that chicken 🐓 and let us know what you think!
Mauricio Morales
@abadesi thanks! 💙
Nick Walter
Hahaha, thought this was a physical chicken but was even more impressed with what was there. The hands up thing is cool too!
Mauricio Morales
@nickchuckwalter thanks for your feedback and we're glad to hear that you liked Arthur 🐓
Juan José Londoño
@nickchuckwalter Thanks for the love Nick! We are delighted with our vegan friendly chicken 😃
Cristina Botero

I like the whole idea a lot, I just don't know if it is actually going to be useful for my meetings


- Cool design

- Cool concept

- Cool functionalities


Too funny to be serious

Juan José Londoño
Hey Cristina! Thanks for your review. Making it funny was actually one of our design premises since interrupting someone can be somewhat awkward. We hope you find Arthur useful for your meetings 😃
Mané Karen
I guess our team will get even more distracted :D
Mauricio Morales
Hi @mane_gharibyan, indeed that could happen a bit at the beginning when all the team is getting to know Arthur 🐣, establishing that friendship will take several squeezes and laughs, he might get all the attention but later it normalizes 😄 What we do in our meetings is that we establish some rules on when to use Arthur and it really helps, we also use the "raise hand" feature a lot. Cheers!
Joel Benjamin
lol this is so cool!
Elena Zhizhimontova
Lol would probably be useful if one could squeeze the rubber chicken only once every 3 mins - cause I can see this being an issue when the team just starts playing with the chicken 🙃
Juan José Londoño
@zelena Hi Elena! The chicken can indeed be funnily distracting in the beginning, but after you set some rules and the hype has passed away, it becomes a very useful tool 😃 Your feedback is well received and makes sense since we don't see a need of getting back the attention so often, thanks!