The Datablock Library by Databox - The easiest way to make sense of your data.
The Datablock Library is a repository of the most popular metrics (for 60+ data sources) that are pre-configured so that users can simply drag-and-drop them into a dashboard and the data (and visualization) will populate in seconds.
The Datablock Library is the easiest way I've found to quickly visualize important data in a way that helps you immediately understand it and interpret performance. Absolutely love this tool. It's perfect for visualizing data from Google Analytics, HubSpot, AdWords, Facebook, and just about any other tool/data source out there.
Pros:Easy to use, great visualizations, many options, takes seconds to set up
Louder Than Words – Neil Pasricha
Louder Than Words – Neil Pasricha
You can’t get to your final destination if you don’t know where you are. Every leadership team knows they have to keep an eye on important KPIs like ad performance, email engagement, leads, conversions, etc. Depending on how many different programs and platforms you use, tracking your metrics can be very challenging — your numbers are all in different locations. Until we found Databox....
Pros:Databox rocks! Go to place (daily) that we track all of our important business metrics.
The library is a great starting block and often will get us 90% of the way there. It's a huge head start and time saver when building out client dashboards.
Pros:Makes it super simple to get a dashboard up and running, yet specific to the data a client is looking for.