Rick Klau

DataFox - CrunchBase + Google Alerts on steroids


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Mike Dorsey
Hey all - I'm one of the makers. Let me know if you have any questions or wishes for the app. We started out with two specific aims: (1) We wanted to make it super fast to look up a company on-the-go. I cannot count the # of times I was walking into a cafe to meet someone and wanted to quickly catch up on the company they work for - so we wanted to make it really efficient for you to look up and learn about any company from our app. (2) Personalized, high quality events feed. We're all news junkies at DataFox, but we've been enjoying a highly targeted news feed because of all of the NLP we do to structure and rank company milestones. I wanted to put this at your finger tips (like a Feedly/Flipboard, but personalized to you - and the companies you follow). Tell us how we did! Also, we have so much more in our suite of APIs that we could offer - so feel free to tell us what you wish it would do! Are you a student? DataFox is insanely powerful for job seekers. Go ahead and sign up for the free trial and we can help you get extended student access - just ping us for more info on this.
Frank Denbow
@mikedorsey Only wish is for an Android app :)
Mike Dorsey
@FrankDenbow Good to know. As a middle ground, we do have a mobile version of our web site that you can use to do all the same stuff. Does that help? If you think of anything else you want, let us know!
Rick Klau
DataFox has brought its 500,000 company one-pagers and analytics to iOS. I’m fortunate to have made a job out of finding and working with great companies. It’s difficult for me to know when to reach out to those companies (to invest or simply to help). DataFox is cracking the code on company tracking - they supplement APIs like CrunchBase and LinkedIn with unstructured milestones they piece together throughout the web & multiple data partnerships. I’m rushing between meetings most days - the DataFox app allows me to pull up a company one-pager or quickly glance at the “Events Feed” to see if there’s anything I need to act on. Looping in makers @jfish277, @mikedorsey and @bastiaanjanmaat for AMA.
Bastiaan Janmaat
Thanks @rklau! This is only v1.0 of our iOS app, but we’re thrilled to get it into the hands of our customers & the PH community. We built the app because we’ve spent thousands of hours interviewing our customers (sales & marketing, business development, M&A, VC) and found that these folks are constantly on-the-go and in need of company snapshots & real-time alerts on their key prospects / partners. For founders & product peeps on PH - you can use DataFox to create a list of competing companies and keep an eye on them without having to read 10 newsletters every morning ;-) You can find more info about the app (as well as screenshots) here: http://www.datafox.co/blog/2014/... Our service isn’t free, but we do offer 30 day free trials (no credit card required). If you have an expired account - just email sales@datafox.co and we’ll give you a few extra days. :-)
Elaine Ou
I love the Datafox app. Add the ability to follow people and I'll be able to remove MINE from my home screen.
Mike Dorsey
@eiaine thanks! Nice idea :) What kind of things would you like to know about them?
Elaine Ou
@mikedorsey For following people, the most interesting events to me would be news/social media mentions and job changes
Mike Dorsey
@eiaine :) not the first time we've heard that!
Syed Arham Ali
This looks good. Whats the average monthly price of using this product? I dont see pricing tiers on their website