Seth Louey

Fundraising Bot - A bot with an access to a database of 3150 angel investors

Fundraising Bot is a Messenger/Telegram bot that gives you a quick access to a database of 3150 angel investors. View names and profiles, Investment Score, location. Add them to your network

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Lu Milevskyi
3 months ago i launched Datastarta here, got 1400 upvotes and #1 badge. It was the first launch in my life so I ... fucked up. Really. Just read this to understand what i did But today i'm launching Fundraising Bot for both platforms Messenger and Telegram. Go check it and let me know what you think :)
Zach Swetz
What would you have done differently launching Datastarta?
Katy Maradona
Good marketing, Lu!
Vas Vaskul
I'm curious to read about the service you mentioned. Where to expect?
Vas Vaskul

I like the conversation.




Don't see any

Paul Sheehan
This is a great idea.
Stan Podolski
I love it! Angels will love it too!
Katy Maradona

The data behind the bot is a diamond!


The Investment Score is genius!


A little bit slow

Carla Olson

Have you thought about developing some kind of a filter?


Good ideas constantly popping up!


It's be great if you could improve the speed:) Enable search by state, area (e.g., SF Bay Area).

Lama Al Rajih
How do you rate the investors? @lumilevskyi
Lu Milevskyi
@lamaalrajih «The number is calculated by our own secret formula and contains three parameters: the power of influence, personal network size and investment activity.»
Moody Boles
Why there’re no investors listed from Egypt?

Call me old school, but I prefer to have the data dumped in a table; one which I can sort, filter and search.

Its fun to use once.


Nice idea


Should not be a bot