Date Night by MediaHound
Finally the answer to, "What should we watch tonight?"
Alex Fedorov

Three Daily Goals — Bot for your three main goals per day

Complete your Three Main Goals every day with this bot.
Inspired by the Hyperfocus book of Chris Bailey.
Every day bot will ask you to fill in your 3 goals (no more) and check if you've completed them. That's it, nothing more.
Lior Galante Cohen (Vaza)
Seems like a great way to stay motivated throughout the day. Good luck!
Alex Fedorov
@lior_galante_cohen thanks for response!
Kiran Kanakadandi (
?makers -- good product! Are you also considering a chrome extension?
Alex Fedorov
@kirank5a thank you, if bot launch will be successful🙂
Kiran Kanakadandi (
@alex_fedorov6 -- fair enough. My only concern with telegram is that it is usually cluttered with a lot of messages and chrome is usually where I find myself focused. Regardless, good luck with the product! Great idea.
Иван Сумбаев
Very interesting! Now I use the note app on my smartphone, but the telegram bot would be more comfortable
Alex Fedorov
@iasumbaev thank you for response!
Wojtek Krzciński
Cool idea. Extremely reliable accountability partner 👌🏻
Vincent Chaglasyan
Neat, minimalistic product!
Alex Fedorov
@vincechag yes, definitely:)
Sunil Chukka
This product has a lot of promise. Sounds interesting.
Alex Fedorov
@sunil_chukka thank you very much!
Artem Kuzenko
This looks awesome! Congrats to the team!
Alex Fedorov
@temiko thank you!
O! Interesting!
Shalana Jordan
I'm new to get and I already like it, keeps me focused
Alex Fedorov
@shalana_jordan thank you for your feedback!