Dato is a replacement for the system menu bar clock. By default, it looks exactly the same, but when you click it, you get a small calendar, calendar events, the current time in various time zones, and more.
Hey PH. I launched the first version of Dato a year ago. It started as a weekend project I made so I could keep track of the local time of my wife, who was studying abroad for some months. Initially, it was just a list of clocks in different time zones, but over time, the app grew into a very comprehensive and customizable calendar/events/timezone app, thanks to a lot of awesome feedback from users. And I'm far from done. I have plans to support multiple time zones in the menu bar, time zone offset slider, showing the upcoming event in the menu bar, create events directly in Dato, macOS 11 widgets, and more.
Dato is largely shaped by great feedback from users. I reply to all submissions (1200+ emails so far). If you have any suggestions, comment here, or use the “Send Feedback…” button in the app.
Keep in mind that while Dato does run on macOS 10.14, the functionality is quite limited compared to what you'll get when running Dato on macOS 10.15 or later.
@sindresorhus You're an absolute legend, mate. The number of your libraries I use is shameful. You're as prolific as @tjholowaychuk. Many thanks and keep it up! :)
@thamaraiselvam7@jvdmeij The ability to add events directly in Dato is planned and will come in a couple of months. In the latest Dato version, if you press the `n` key while the menu is open, it will create a new empty event and present it in the Calendar app where you can fill it in, which is a good temporary workaround.
Is there anything else holding you back from using Dato? I truly want Dato to be the best menu bar calendaring app for everyone.
Close but it misses the mark for me. I would gladly pay $10 per month for a CalDAV replacement for https://chrome.google.com/websto... GCal is the last feature keeping me locked into the google ecosystem.
@sindresorhus Besides viewing ( which you have working great ) I need a calendar that lets me create a new event in 3 interactions ( click, type info, hit enter ). That extension does it perfectly, but it only works with gCal. This tool should support gCal, Outlook, iCal, and CalDAV. I searched for 3 hours for this tool and was willing to pay up to $100, but could not find one that satisfied my need. It also shows a notification when an event is coming up which is a nice bonus.
@mikestaub Thanks for elaborating. Dato will have the ability to add new events in a couple of months. (Dato already supports notifications for events and gCal, Outlook, etc, since it's using the macOS calendar system) Then you'll be able to just click a day in the calendar to open a popover to add a new event. However, it will not have the ability to just enter a sentence like "...dinner Aug 26th at 3:30pm...". If you need that, I'd recommend Fantastical.
Using it from its inital days and love dato for following reasons
- Minimal design
- Shows time from different timezones.
- Integrates with the apple calendar and shows all events for the current and couple of upcoming days.
- Finally, my favorite. I can click on the event directly to initate the meet or zoom call.
I really love this product! Is the best mac menubar app ever! I used it every single time and i've been using it for one year. Finally is launched on PH! Congratulations @sindresorhus best wishes from me from Singapore!
Impressive how you take feedback from users and reply 1.2k emails! #RESPECT
I hope i can add calendar event and sync it via google calendar easily or hotmail.
As i have upcoming schedule.
I've used this product for the past couple of months and it's amazingly simple and useful.
?makers It's probably too soon to ask, but given that the clock wil open notifications in Big Sur, what's the strategy to support Dato in macOS Big Sur?
@kristianmuniz There's still a couple of months until Big Sur is officially launched, so I'm hoping Apple will add back the ability to disable the clock by then. if not, Dato could show the date and the system clock could show the time, or you could use just the icon for Dato. There will be a solution either way by the time Big Sur launches.
Very sleek and elegant UI. Replaced Itsycal and there.pm by combining both apps thus saving some much needed space on the menu bar.
The maker was also very nice and approachable during our interaction. All in all, very worth it if you're looking have a simple yet effective calendar!