A life management toolbox? dayling comes to the market as a serious proposal linking edgy technologies to a personal task management engine. Artificial Intelligence applied to an Internet of Things play.
As of right now, dayling is available on Android (4.0+) and as a visual calendar is capable of performing the following features and interactions:
dayling visual calendar-centric model is at the core of a mobile ecosystem. So, you now may have your personal, work and family life working together under a self-controlled interactive digital network.
Upon installing dayling you might be able to configure appointments, activities, tasks, chores and errands based on these categories:
* Personal
* Family
* Household
* Health
* Money
* Auto
* Entertainment
* Service providers
Because dayling digital life management engine is an IoT-supported ecosystem, most tasks will be automatically performed by an engine and with little human intervention
In the near future, dayling technology may allow individuals to purchase their grocery list end-to-end (from the fridge to the supermarket); manage your vitals, health insurance coverage and medication replenishment directly with your physician; pay your bills on-time. Manage your car checkups, service and repair. It may well organize house chores and share tasks with family members. Work on career-related projects in a very innovative way and many more daily routines we're going to be sharing here as days are passing by.
dayling also gets you connected to your favorite social media outlets, so you're always in the know.
Best of all, dayling is free.
Please keep in mind that dayling is a brand new app (a few days old) and it's going through its beta stage.
You guys may get it installed: dayl.in/wnbCV
We came to Product Hunt to introduce dayling to you guys and we honestly hope to get to know your opinions as as feedback and take them from there.
If you want to know more about how dayling is pushing AI/IoT convergence among home, work and car, please check here: http://igg.me/at/dayling.
Once again, thanks a lot for your time and feedback.
dayling is a life management toolbox capable of performing everyday personal interactions over a smart proximity network.
A visual calendar-supported digital assistant that connects you to friends and family along with getting you linked to work-related tasks leaving you with more time to spare in things you love to do personally.