Hello good people on ProductHunt!
It has been three months since we launched Deekit web version (http://www.producthunt.com/tech/... ). Our user basis is growing by the day and we are grateful for all the feedback we received - it has help a lot in the process of upgrading our product.
Question that has been coming up the most is why there is no Deekit app for mobiles and tablets, especially iPad. Hence, we have pushed ourselves further and just done it - iPad app is now available on the appstore!
If you ever worked in a remote team, you know what we are talking about if we mention long, painful, non efficient meetings. We believe that if you can draw a box, you can draw your team together. Drawing is not only about making art. Visual communication makes conversations simple and up to the point. Deekit enables you is an unlimited canvas for you and your team to draw, write, edit and add other content. Together, in real time. We offer you a whiteboard for remote teams to share ideas, brainstorm together, discuss complex problems, product and business planning.
Question for the extra transparent teams: Would you publish your board(s) to your users, social media or blogs? Would love to hear what you all think.
For the curious ones, here’s TechCrunch and Wired coverage telling our story, why is this our passion and much more:
We tried out the web version recently to collaborate on a story about the recent hacking to smart cars e.g. Chrysler Jeep. My colleague, located in another country, wanted to explain to me the security aspect fo the hacking, but it was quite difficult to write me a bunch of texts. So he doodled a hacking scenario on Deekit. I later edited and highlighted it a bit and used it for our article. Very neat.
I'm a very visual person so I understand a new concept more if it's presented to me visually. Given the amount of information overload we all have these days, our brains look for shortcuts to new information. Visual is the best way to go.
@cindytudam Thanks for good example! I wouldn't even say that a "visual" is a breed of people, all human brains are "wired visually" - visual helps to understand things much faster than words