The Debian 10 base is bad because the libraries are very old, and this makes it impossible to have a good experience with, for example, flatpaks and other applications outside of security-related issues due to lack of updates. I would like the distro to be immutable, immutable systems is a reality and not the future anymore, and I would like it to come with flatpak by default of application distribution, and the application store currently does not integrate with flatpak and does not support the Portuguese language from Brazil leaving aside several users.
I have been using deepin for 4 years now and I find this linux operating system very intuitive, easy to use even for an average user.
I recommend it to all those who ask me for some advice on which distro to use, another alternative is UBUNTU, even if I have to tell the truth it doesn't excite me like deepin.
AnimeGenius-Anime AI Generator