
Delight - Support local businesses by referring friends


The best way to help save local businesses is getting more people in the door. Delight is the simplest way to tell a friend about a business.
Find your favorite spot, send the link to a friend and we'll donate money to that business when they check it out.

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Hey PH Community! After working with many business and restaurant owners over the past few years and hearing their current struggles in the pandemic, we were inspired to try to help save as many businesses as we can. Over 100,000 small businesses have closed since the pandemic. We spoke with over 100 business owners and they told us their biggest problem was not getting enough customers. Due to the pandemic they have no money for marketing, so many are struggling with no way out. Every business owner told us "My best form of marketing is word of mouth", so we're here to help with that. The best thing you can do to support a small business is tell a friend. Every new customer a business gets right now helps them stay open another day. Help save your favorite corner store, pizza place, book store, or whatever else you're passionate about. Every referral counts!
Tushar Shahi
Nice idea. I hope it gets big. But how is the product generating revenue to donate to the business? I was not able to access the FAQ page.
@tushar_shahi1 Sorry about that! Just realized my paths are off - will fix that asap. All the money is coming out of pocket at the moment :) Giving these donations helps us build relationships with businesses and ends up being cheaper than any other B2B marketing
Not only is the staff awesome, the product is. The products helps real businesses going through real hardship! This is a must checkout product.
@theprimeagen Seriously appreciate the support from you and the whole community, thanks so much Prime <3
Wonderful idea! My dad runs a small business too! This could actually work! Really looking forward to trying it out :D
@vedantkaria21 Happy to get in touch if we can be at all helpful either way! Any local business we can help, through product or just ourselves :)
This looks really cool! Local businesses can use all the help they can get right now, can't wait to see where this product goes! :)
@therealcoelho Thanks so much! Here's hoping we can help out :)
Support local businesses! If anyone can make this work it is Jake and Dan.
@cam_______ Thanks so much man, really appreciate all the support on the way here <3
Jason Scherer (Lycan)
Great idea, anything to help small businesses. Always been one to want to help out small businesses with anything. Typically that's how I find out about most places is word of mouth , and anything to help that would be great.
@jason_scherer_lycan_ Exactly! So many businesses thrive on recommendations, but those happen less and less without being in person, so we're hopeful this will make an impact :)
Rudolf Randal
Excellent idea - In these times we need to support local business
@itsonlycode Thank you so much! We'll do everything we can :)
Michael Jolley
Any product that gives back is a favorite in my book. Great app that supports those who power our local economies.
@baldbeardbuild Sincerely appreciate the support, thanks so much <3
Melanie Gibson
This is a wonderful thing, especially when considering the fact that small businesses are some of the most affected during these times. The staff is wonderful and it's clear that they're putting everything they've got into this. Wonderful staff, wonderful product, wonderful cause and mission. I'm so excited to see where this goes!
@melanie_gibson Your support continues to be appreciated Melanie. Thanks for being along with on this journey :D
Cpt Walrus
This product is a boon to any local business. It has never been easier to refer businesses to your friends. During these hard times is great for any small business.
@cptwalrus That's the hope :)
Caelin Sutch
I love how applicable and helpful this is to local businesses! Congrats on the launch.
@caelin_sutch Thank you!!
Supporting local business has never been more important.
@3even Absolutely!
Joe Black
I've known Dan for awhile, this dude is super smart and has a heart for helping people. This product has grown out of that as he tries every day to make the world a better place!
@treshix Continue to appreciate the support Joe, thanks for all the help along the way :)
robinzon sokhashvili
Great way to help small businesses to grow and find more potential customers/clients 🎴
@robinzon_sokhashvili Thanks so much! Here's hoping we get to help a ton :)
Zachary Harte
This product has changed my life. I would become a shadow of my current self without it
@zachary_harte I, too, feel strongly about local business
Jacob Shin
This is AMAZING!
@deuteriumoxide Thank you!! <3
Dora Lizette Aguilar
This is so great.
Sanja Reyes
Great idea
@sanjareyes Thanks so much!
Tarush Jain
Cover India too
@tarush_jain Once we get a bit farther, we absolutely plan to bring in other countries!