Prabhakar Gopalan

Delighted PMF - The easiest and fastest way to measure Product/Market Fit


Simplify how you find Product/Market Fit with real-time customer input and back your product development decisions with data.
- Set up your survey in seconds.
- Use in-app, website, email, SMS, link surveys.
- Leverage built-in reports and 40+ integrations.

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Caleb Elston
Hi everyone, I'm one of the Co-founders of Delighted. We're excited to finally open up to any business that wants to join. We've been secretly testing the product and working with great companies for the past year to help them get more useful feedback from their customers and use that feedback to make their products better and more loved. Will be around all day so feel free to ask me anything!
Jack Smith
awesome tool used by some great companies including Bonobos, Eventbrite, Goodreads, TaskRabbit, HotelTonight, Munchery. Just launched today.
Todd Goldberg
I've seen Delighted used by a few services and each time it's been a good experience. Now that it's public, we're expecting to implement it soon. @calebelston - Nice work. If you can share, what kind of response rates do you typically see? And for people who do respond, what percentage of them typically leave additional comments?
Caleb Elston
@toddg777 Hey Todd! Glad to hear you've had good experiences with Delighted already. We see much higher response rates than traditional survey NPS programs. We see response rates in the double digits. With about 20-25% pretty standard and some customers in the 35-40% range. We see about 65% comment rate too. Happy to help as you get up and running , it's super quick to get started :)
Todd Goldberg
@calebelston That sounds great. I'm already "sold", but just curious from a product design perspective. What do you think motivates such high response rates?
Caleb Elston
@toddg777 The simplicity of the single question. The fact people can respond right from inside the email, and not some link to somewhere else. The design is responsive, so it's designed specifically for mobile and desktop. It represents the company's brand well, so it's instantly recognizable.
Kevin William David
Great tool. Was hunted earlier .
Caleb Elston
@kwdinc thanks Kevin!
Calvin Liu
Mobile app here. Love this but wish there were some equivalent using only SMS... We don't need email addresses so we don't get them. Ability to send a link to a webpage by SMS instead of in-email survey, maybe?
Caleb Elston
@cjl49 That's something we are beta testing with some customers. Ping me at and I will set you up with it too.
Caleb Elston
@cjl49 You got it!
James Koole
We used Delighted at Hover and love it. We used to do quarterly surveys, but with Delighted we send out surveys daily, with each customer getting one four times a year. This gives us much better data continuously, and we can see (and react to) trends in user satisfaction much more quickly.
Seth Berman
Redbubble has been a beta user as well, and it's powering our NPS tracking. Excited to see the product launch to everyone.
Gijs Nelissen
Looks like a great product for NPS measurement. I do think the "offline" questionaire is a suitable format for retailers/offline activities. For a purely SaaS business i would prefer an online/widget-like measurement approach. We are using uservoice (with the new widget) to do exactly that. And it works very well.
Nikhil Basu Trivedi
excited to be an investor and to see it out in the wild for everyone now! congrats on the launch @calebelston and team!
David Chie
This is a must-have for any business that is providing a service. We used it over a year ago and stopped using it. Restarted last Friday - I am kicking myself for not sticking with it the first time. The feedback is incredibly useful! Nice UI as well :)
love it!
Vinish Garg
Found it today, and I am loving it to seek 'targeted feedback'. Just used it for @ContentHug! :)
Awesome tool! Where actionable insights and data are absolutely critical, tools such as this prove crucial.
Marko Vidacic
Sounds interesting!
Bulat Kaliev
Sounds like fantastic
Brayden Wilmoth
This is a great product that provides a significant need for any business. We'll certainly be giving this a try with our team to understand how our PMF is working out. I also just wanted to comment that when I visit your website for the first time there were at least 3 different overlays/popups coming up in a cascading effect that seemed to really be a turn off on the user experience. I know getting users to login/signup & GDPR cookie banners are key, but would be nice not to feel bombarded on first visit.