Jonathon Triest

Density for iOS - See how busy popular places are in real time.

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Ryan Hoover
This is another example of a "Teleportation App" with similarities to Visor. Perfect use case: sometimes Philz is packed, without a seat mid-day. I'd like to be able to know how busy it is before traveling toward disappointment.
Jonathon Triest
@rrhoover No need to request anything from anyone with Density... no pics, no videos... An accurate count of density in real time. Hoping @andrewfarah jumps in to discuss.
Andrew Farah
@rrhoover Crowdsourcing the data was an option but it leaves out a trove of data. So we built a permanent sensor instead that gets affixed to a doorframe. It's anonymous but accurate, scooping up 10s of millions of data points every day. We analyze that and turn it into a running, real time count of places just like Philz.
Ryan Hoover
@andrewfarah yes! I gathered that from the landing page. Much better solution for the use case I described. :)
Andrew Farah
@rrhoover mind if I co-opt "travel toward disappointment?" I'll give you author's cred if we ever use it in a super bowl ad :)
Ryan Hoover
@andrewfarah haha, go for it!
Andrew Farah
Product Hunt, I'm Cofounder / CEO. At first, we just wanted to know if our coffee shop was busy. Then we thought, how cool would it be to see a whole city moving from our phone? So that's what we're trying to do without scraping personally identifiable information (video surveillance, facial recog, etc). To get the data we're after you'd have to build and distribute (to tens of thousands of locations) a sensor that was real time, anonymous, accurate, and cheap. If it broke one of those four tenants, the system wouldn't work. And we'd fail to achieve our goal of giving people an API for human movement. Today, we could really use your feedback on two things: 1. Where could this be useful to you? What locations? (you can request in app) 2. What could we do better? (app, function, design, explanation, etc...) Your feedback is enormously helpful. Thank you! Density Sensor --
Lindsay Martin
@andrewfarah Cool product. I've been intrigued by this space for a while now & I've seen a lot of failed attempts. But this looks promising. Questions: Have you experienced any push back from merchants of popular venues more likely to have longer queues? I can see how this data would be valuable for venue-owners long-term, but initially are they afraid tools like Density will cause deflection at peak times? Also, would venues like this show 'high traffic' all the time? Thanks!
Chris Becker
@andrewfarah how does the app find locations? Does it hook into an external API like GMaps for Foursquare? When I was searching for a place to request, I was looking for some suggested places close to my location. An attribution line a la old style instagram: ) would make me sure that the data is accurate.
Andrew Farah
@lindzora That's a really good question. Couple things. - Merchants have pretty crazy peaks and valleys; super busy for an hour then really quiet. They've told us they'd prefer a more even distribution throughout the day. Something we can do. - Coupa Cafe, one of our locations, actually asked for the "reverse Density" for his managers. They want notifications when Coupa is swamped so they know to put more people on the floor and address the line faster. A sort of on-demand staffing. - Loyal customers are loyal regardless. They just want to know the best time to show up. In fact, many times, they already know anecdotally. @rrhoover and Philz Golden Gate is a great example. I'm sure you probably have a place or two like that as well. - re: High Traffic, Even with the most popular places, like Blue Bottle Coffee, there is always a slow time. And certain days are dramatically different from others. Personally, I'd actually like to see this in places I hate going to as well... like the DMV.
Andrew Farah
@cbeck527 Welp... we should probably do attribution. Thanks for that! We backfill locations using Foursquare. And then when someone requests a location with that fun "slide to request" bit we store the location data ourselves and keep a running tally of how many votes for a place there have been. The cool thing is... this sort-of-straightforward / really simple feature does three things: 1. It identifies which locations we should target next. 2. Demonstrates to a merchant there's actual demand for Density. In other words, how many existing customers would be made happy by installing us. 3. When a "requested location" comes online, we notify those who asked for it. Making them smile and driving engagement.
Luis Solano
@lindzora @rrhoover @andrewfarah Congrats, really interesting idea. I like the "reverse Density" idea in particular, I think it could play really well with ShopKeep. Have you looked in integrating with any Point of Sale?
Kevin Wimer
I'm an investor and love seeing the product get traction but DAMN do I hate geo-limited launches. Useless app for me. Boo.
Andrew Farah
@kevinace Sorry man. Gotta think big and start small.
Mike Bestvina
@kevinace "hate geo-limited launches" interesting, care to elaborate? Geo-limited (i.e. scarcity) is a proven way to properly market products/services.
Kevin Wimer
@andrewfarah I absolutely get it. Just frustrating as a user (in Ohio) that is rarely able to use new products. I only get to drool.
Kevin Wimer
@mbesto I'm in Ohio. It's frustrating to never have the ability to be an early adopter because most products tend to launch/pilot only in SF, LA, NYC, etc. As a business owner, I understand the reason for limited launches. As a user, I hate it.
Andrew Farah
@kevinace I will personally come to Ohio and do the installs myself, if you can create the demand. Not to mention, @jtriest, @BrettdeM and @blakeir are close to there. It'll give me a reason to swing by and say hello.
Sergei Burkov
Sorry, dudes, it won't fly. You cannot reach N million local businesses and convince them to install your door sensors. And if you have only a select few thousand shops, it's useless to users. Smartphone tracking is the only way to scale it.
Andrew Farah
@bilb02 @adamarice First off... [passes mic to @jordanmessina]
Adam Rice
@bilb02 @andrewfarah @jordanmessina haha, I don't mean it *can't* work, just wondering how you guys are addressing the scalability issue.
Andrew Farah
@bilb02 @adamarice More seriously.. First, if we were the only ones doing the distribution, you're absolutely right. Too big a sales job. Too many people doing cold calls. Not sustainable or scalable (unless you can do magic like @wileycerilli...) There are others with both a vested interest in the data and a pre-established network. Second, if @JacobJaber and @PhilzCoffee were the ONLY ones to adopt this, it would be immediately relevant to @rrhoover @hunterwalk and thousands of others. In other words, I don't think you need mass scale to be relevant. You need relevant locations to be relevant. Third, smartphone tracking without a user's consent is dying
Super excited to be an investor, and to have seen Density come so far -- literally from upstate new york! Their original LAUNCH Festival demo: ... just awesome iteration by an awesome team.
Andrew Farah
@jason Literally from upstate new york :). FWIW, Density wouldn't exist without @jtriest, @jason, @brettdem, @ClarkValberg, @Billy_Draper and our 65 other amazing investors.
Rahul Chabukswar
why require sign-up?
Andrew Farah
@rahulc_23 There was a lot of debate on this. Notifications were the entire first version of the app. We didn't show real time at all. We'd notify you when it was quiet. They are still a primary part of the system but we decided we'd rather get the sign up over with initially than block a primary function with a login screen. @benredfield and @jordanmessina might have some good commentary on this.
Rahul Chabukswar
@benredfield @jordanmessina @andrewfarah Thanks. Not sure I understand the connection between real time traffic & sing-up. For me, I would have left at signup screen if I hadn't seen 300+ votes here. Is this just me? :)
Andrew Farah
@benredfield @jordanmessina @rahulc_23 Notifications was the justification for sign up. It was the only function in the first version of the application.
Robert Grazioli
@rahulc_23 I run design at Density with @kyle_ohara. If for no other reason, requiring it gives us a feedback loop. We felt that user accounts would make it easy for us to track usage and actively reach out to those using our solution for this problem. As opposed to just passively accepting critique. I guess we hope we're building something that creates enough value in people's lives that they'd be willing to contribute to the problem—a fair trade of sorts. But, shit, we totally understand and expect people to be turned off by sign-ups. Just curious, what's your beef with them?
Rahul Chabukswar
@kyle_ohara @robertgrazioli Thanks for the background. I understand how having my email id helps you :) but I don't see how it helps me today. From my (user's) perspective, there is no incentive for me to sign-up today: you don't have a brand name (yet) and haven't demonstrated any value to me at the time of sign-up. I did it anyway because of 300+ votes here. And now after sign-up it is still not clear to me what did I gain by providing you my email id and taking a debt of remembering one more password. I can think of many ways in which all current functions of the app can work without sign-up. My $0.02. HTH.
Chris Becker
I love the user experience for setting up a new account and enabling GPS/notifications. Any plans on expanding to the east coast? :)
Andrew Farah
@cbeck527 So many plans to expand... :). And we'll do so faster if you start requesting places in NYC!
I'd love to see this installed in bars! Would also be cool to figure out a way to estimate wait times until a coffee shop becomes less packed.
Andrew Farah
@talantorriero The cool thing about bars is that the data could be used in another way. Users looking for a trending place instead of a quiet one.
Maxwell Finn
Startup Drugz is happy to be number 2 to you long as you buy shirts and posters for your office! In all seriousness this is a kickass product.
Andrew Farah
@maxwellfinn That's a totally fair trade. Can you make a t-shirt that just say "startup" across the front?
Maxwell Finn
@andrewfarah we can definitely do that. Any color preference? We could make your team exclusive ones for Density also. "Geolocation Ninjas. Density!"
Andrew Farah
@jdcarlu @maxwellfinn That would be an amazing t-shirt. #17 on Product Hunt [date]
Andrew Farah
@maxwellfinn I'm thinking dirty gray t-shirt with black block letters across the front "STARTUP"... and can I just say how awesome it is that we're talking about order stuff from your startup on our thread... I'm a large :)
Andrew Farah
@maxwellfinn Your money is on its way Are we talking the good stuff here, American Apparel? What's the build quality, eh? :) Happy Product Hunt Day, Maxwell.
Eric Jorgenson
Been using this myself for Blue Bottle Coffee for the past few weeks, as our office is in the area. It's been absolutely bulletproof in accuracy. The app is a perfect execution of a background utility. I never open the app, but the pushes tell me exactly what I need, and that's it. So fantastic. The only thing I'd wish for (and I'm sure it's coming), is day of the week (since some locations are only relevant on weekends or weekdays)
Andrew Farah
@ericjorgenson What you haven't mentioned is the integral role you continue to play by peeking out the @Zaarly windows on our behalf...
Matt G.
This seems really neat. Would love to see how this progresses! A while back I built something that helped solve problem for me: going to a coffee shop to work and finding out that it was packed or there weren't any seats. ( Perhaps there's an opportunity to integrate or work together some how. I just want to find places with an empty seat to work from :)
Andrew Farah
@iwaffles You should really check out @darrenbuckner and @juellez 's product re: Are there seats - that's awesome! We'd be happy to install in several of those locations and kick the data back to you. Particularly Jane. That place can get crazy. I should also mention that measuring the number of seats requires hyper-accurate count. A place might feel quiet even when all the seats are taken. Know what I mean?
Darren Buckner
@iwaffles RE: "I just want to find places with an empty seat to work from" — I know this feeling well. We've partnered with Density to give folks that inside look at select venues in Portland (to start).
John Rushworth
@andrewfarah best approach i've seen thus far. Is an api available? Would love to help with distribution too :) CC: @rrhoover
Andrew Farah
@rrhoover @jmrushworth Thanks! For early partners, yep. If a company helps with distribution, we give them an API. Email me: andrew AT
Jeff Needles
This is a fantastic idea. I'd love to see the hardware... How is it powered? POE? How granular could it get, multiple rooms w/in a single location? Is it available to be privately/internally used? This could be so cool for public transit as well, how many people went through a turnstile? Maybe I should just walk... etc. So many questions! Can't wait to play. GREAT job @andrewfarah
Andrew Farah
@jsneedles At the moment, we run 18 AWG wire to the closest outlet (through super suave and discreet channeling). Until, of course, @meredithperry let's us include uBeam with all our installs. And we use wifi for data transfer. Eventually, we'll just use @amirhaleem's Helium :) cc @pharkmillups. - One sensor is bi-directional. So for any standard 36-42in doorframe, we get pretty much every entrance and exit with a single sensor. Double doors, we'll do one on each side and then normalize. - As granular as the number of sensors you deploy. Multi-room, sure. There are limitations to the system, like we need to install at all main entrances / exits for a location but the sensor is so cheap that it allows us to do so sustainably. - Private usage. Sure. For example, we've had conversations with some companies that have corporate campuses and a shit time trying to schedule who gets what conference room... would be nice to show them all rooms in real time. Actually, UC Berkeley is doing some Density installs so their students can see their gym and possibly their libraries live "busyness." Eventually we'll get to some fun predictive stuff. - Public Transit. Exactly. Too many places. The tough part has been where to start. Sensor --
Jeff Needles
@andrewfarah This is awesome info, thanks!
Tyler Hayes
Neat idea. Gave up at account creation. Get to the monkey.
Courtland Alves
@andrewfarah - FYI, the app (although beautiful) wouldn't accept my email address for some reason.
Andrew Farah
@courtlandalves Looking into it. Function before beauty...
Ben Redfield
@andrewfarah @courtlandalves Looking into it, thanks for the heads up!
Andrew Farah
@thebucknerlife @benredfield will shoot you an email directly.
Ben Redfield
@fredkelly Hey Freddy, can you shoot me a note at
Malinka Walaliyadde
This is incredible! I've been looking for an app like this for a while. When you have enough historical data, will you show how traffic varies at locations over time? Here's a sample use case where that would be helpful. When I'm picking lunch/dinner/coffee places to meet someone in an unfamiliar area, I'll often use Yelp. But I also want to get a sense of how the busy the place is at that time so we're not waiting too long. To do this, I'll cmd+f the yelp reviews page for "wait" or "line", and read what people say, which isn't a great experience. It would be awesome to look at quantitative historical data and pick places which aren't generally busy at times I'm interested in, or vice versa. Just giving a single use case data point here, not sure how broadly it applies :)
Andrew Farah
@malinkawal Yeah. We even think there's a market for segmented historical traffic. Like... I'm a real estate developer, "Show me the foot traffic for calendar year 2015 January through March in San Francisco's Financial District." re: cmd+f-ing the yelp reviews, I do this for the wifi at places. What we'd really like to do is just give Yelp our data. Much like SinglePlatform does for Foursquare's menus.
Sumeet Jindal
this is really cool - i haven't read the previous comments, but you did a really good job with using a simple solution to a common problem/issue. with hoothere, i was kind of trying to do this with events/parties, but this is even more simplified/more useful in everyday life and requires pretty much no effort (because, like you said, it travels human movement in and out, and no one needs to have the app for it to be useful). like the fact that if a coffee shop here in NC installed this and i was the only one who knew about it, and that id still benefit so much from it, makes this awesome.
Andrew Farah
@sumeetj Definitely. You can be meaningful early.
Sameer Kapur
looks like someone forgot to change footer year! its still says 2014!
Andrew Farah
@thesameerk Good catch :)
Ben Redfield
@thesameerk Fix'd, thanks!
Jack Sutherland
I just hunted this SceneTap ( similar but you can see the Guy-to-girl ratios at the bar before you go @rrhover.So if you are going out with your guys you don't end up at a sausage fest.. hahah I love these types of apps super useful, Density has pretty simple design too well done @andrewfarah!
Adam Rice
@rrhover @andrewfarah @jackosutherland I don't think SceneTap is operating anymore. I loved the premise but it's difficult to scale that business considering they install cameras in every location.
Andrew Farah
@jackosutherland @adamarice Yeah and you run the risk of off-putting people with privacy concerns.
Jack Sutherland
@adamarice @andrewfarah Yeah I wasn't sure. Was cool when it was introduced before but you are right definitely hard to scale. Good luck with Density will be waiting patiently for it to be on Android and in Chicago!
Ira Willey
This would be extremely useful for DMV/passport renewal/walk in clinics etc