Vita Benes

Deprocrastination Deschool - 4 week anti-procrastination program

Deprocrastination Deschool - Stop procrastinating, go to bed happy with your progress
4 week online program helping you apply proven anti-procrastination techniques from people like Stanford professor B J Fogg, marketer Seth Godin, Jeff Bezos or Gary Vee.

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Vita Benes
Hi everyone! After publishing an e-book that distilled into actionable for 30+ techniques, we decided to create a behavioral step-by-step program on how to overcome everyday procrastination, make progress, and go to bed happy with one's work. We think it can significantly help creative people who find themselves struggling with procrastination repeatedly and feel like they have much more to make and give. There are still some spots left in the program, so if you want to enroll and make progress with whatever you're working on, go here. Have a productive day!