Vita Benes

Deprocrastination Deschool - Stop procrastinating, go to bed happy

Deprocrastination Deschool - Stop procrastinating, go to bed happy
4 week online program helping you apply anti-procrastination techniques from people like Stanford professor B J Fogg, marketer Seth Godin, Jeff Bezos or Gary Vee and make progress consistently

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Vita Benes
Hi ProductHunters! The new year is a time of change. If you have resolutions, ambitious plans, or don't want to repeat the same productivity mistakes again and again, we have a program for you! There are 12 short anti-procrastination video that unlock week by week (firs 4 are available now!). Each action step comes with its own worksheet so that you can easily apply the information to your life. If you want to structure your day as a solo maker, learn to systematically prevent yourself from getting distracted, or finally get started shipping things consistently, our program is for you. Go to our website and check it out! Thank you!