Meng To

Design and Code in Framer X - Learn to prototype and build components using React


A free 5-hour Framer X course for designers to learn how to design layouts, prototype complex animations and build production-ready React components.

Only for the next 48 hours, you can get 50% off Framer X if you have a Design+Code Pro account!

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Meng To
Hello Product Hunt, Framer X is a brand new tool that allows designers to build production-ready React components right in the design tool. It's a game-changer. I'm excited to teach designers how to code their own components and animate with few lines of code. You don't need any coding experience. This course has been incredibly hard to produce because it's such a new concept that requires so much exploration. Tried really hard to create something that designers will find a lot of value. The course is entirely free and the amazing folks at Framer even offered to give 50% off to our Pro users. Grab it while it lasts (48 hours from now). Ask me anything! Meng
Carlos CΓ‘rdenas
@mengto I can't find any button to take the course. I click the start free course button in the landing page linked here. But there is no way to sign or take the course. Just and infinite description of the features of the course.
Meng To
@carloscardenas4 Oh, that's the course, but the first section gives you an overview of what you'll learn (with video). Then you go to the next section. You can also click on the bottom left Menu icon to navigate the different sections of the course. Hope this helps!
Pedro Marques
Just purchased both Design+Code Pro Subscription and Framer X with the discounts you offered. Going to FINALLY start learning this. Thanks for pushing me into it and keep up the great job. On a side note, I'd be super interested to see more Framer X and React courses on the course library. Either way, going to check the available courses now and start learning πŸ˜‰
Meng To
@marques_ph Yep, that's the plan! We have Vue, Canvas, React Part 2, React Native coming! Thanks for supporting us!
Alberto Lemus
It might be me, but the page doesn't seem to load. I'll try again later! πŸ˜ƒ