React for Designers - Course for building a React site using components
React is component-based, similar to how you use Components in Figma in order to reuse the elements in powerful ways. This in turn allows for better collaboration between teammates. With this course, you'll learn how to build and animate your site from scratch. A 6-hour course for designers, by designers.
DesignCode UI
The price of Design+Code is ridiculously low compared to all the knowledge you can get, actually I think it's one of the best investment someone can do if you're interested in these courses 👍🏻
High quality, small price, a lot of knowledge... what do you need more?
Pros:The quality of Design+Code team work is incredible and keeps getting better 🚀
Cons:Maybe to many animations on the website? But at least you can learn A LOT a choose what you want for yourself.
DesignCode UI
DesignCode UI
DesignCode UI
I really wanted to like this course as I too wanted to have a more accessible version of a React course, yet this didn't really live up to the marketing behind it. The pitch has sold me to try out the course yet the more I watch the less I felt like I was actually learning something. I know it's trying to be simple but I don't think a glorified tutorial / follow-along video should be considered a premium course.
Pros:I commend the effort bringing modern web technologies closer to designers.
Cons:It doesn't really teach you React. It's a follow-along tutorial not a course.