@joshmuccio unfortunately Gmail strips all the style tags in the head, so it's not possible to get the responsive styles in those browsers. If anyone knows someone on the inbox or gmail teams send them my way ;)
@cballou@joshmuccio We use an inliner for all emails, but inliners can't inline media-queries so only clients that keep the style tag can use the responsive styles
Formerly called "Ink" this is arguably the easiest and clearest way to get concise and beautiful HTML emails. I've also got to give mad props for arguably the cutest mascot second only to the PH Kitties 🐙😺💁
Hey All! Brandon here from ZURB! We're working on a killer new version out very soon, but thanks for the love on Foundation for Email today. What a lovely surprise.
Foundation for Email (formerly INK) came from ZURBs own frustrations with transactional emails for our own products. The main goals were making emails function as perfect as possible on Outlook and also get as many responsive clients as we could. We've worked hard to make it feel as easy as using Foundation and in the next version are making a large leap that direction. We talked a lot about it here:
Let me know if you have any questions and thanks for making my Sunday night, Product Hunters.
This is awesome! Love how simple it is to create an HTML email. Definitely will be useful to developers/designers. Have to agree with @katesegrin on the cute mascot!
@gadgick Thanks Nick! You'll still want to have a good understanding on what things work and what things don't in email clients, but for the most part we're trying to take the worry out of it.
@whale@jorge_selva Thanks Jorge! Mathew, we're looking forward to getting your feedback on the new version soon. We obviously love Really Good Emails and have seen plenty of INK emails on there in the past :)
@brandon_arnold right on. Reach out if you'd like to work together in some capacity. Guest blogging about how people are using it, and/or ways people could use it differently, etc.
Is there a list of changes that have been made since "Ink"? I've been using Ink for a long while, and the docs still refer to ink.css, so I'm wondering if this is just a rename or an update?
@captn3m0 Hey Nemo, this was a rename. We have an update coming out early 2016 and had a blog post discussing it, so i'm thinking some people just noticed the framework.
Yes! This is great. I rely on Ink for a host of email templates and am looking forward to the update. If V1 is any indication, I'm sure V2 will be a high quality framework.
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Really Good Emails
Really Good Emails