Felix Joy

DesignBase - Curated free design resources in one place


DesignBase is a database of highly curated free resources for all designers. We have highly curated collection of resources in each category. We will be stacking up resources regularly.

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Felix Joy
Hello Product Hunt, This is the second product I am launching in Product Hunt. It was a pain for me when searching for resources online for my design projects. Either it was scattered all around or it's not free. So I decided to build a website stacking up all the resources which are totally free. DesignBase is a database of highly curated free resources for designers. We have a highly curated collection of resources in each category. We will be stacking up resources regularly. P.S As I said before I have no prior experience in hands-on development as I am a designer developed this website in 3 days. This is just an MVP and planning add more features in the future. Help me figure out how I can improve. Spread the world!
Anna Filou
@felixjoy OMG I can't get over how good this looks! Very nice! Love the dark/light switch! And I'm actually wondering, how did you implement it, especially without prior coding experience? I'm guessing it's javascript? How did you even make this, it's too good!! 😭
Felix Joy
@anna_0x thank you for your valuable comment and glad to hear you like it. I made this using Webflow. It is an amazing tool for designers to develop websites. Plus with some custom code you can create magic.
Anna Filou
@felixjoy thanks for the quick reply, I actually looked into it and figured out that you used Webflow a bit after I asked. Funny thing is I use it for my own website but when I saw the theme switcher on yours I thought "that's custom code!" I really have to look into it because I'm a huge fan of dark themes but I also stand for letting people choose what they prefer, so a switch is a must! Did you write the code yourself or is there some relatively easy to implement something like this using ready-made code?
Felix Joy
@anna_0x yes even I love dark theme and ability to switch. You can do this using Interaction 2.0 in Webflow.
Anna Filou
@felixjoy 😍 Thank you for telling me, I'd no idea, I'm so clueless jeez 😆 I will look into it, keep it up, you're great!!!
Darshan Gajara
Great job on putting this together @felixjoy . I'll definitely feature this on upcoming Product Disrupt Newsletter.
Felix Joy
@weirdowizard Thank you! That will be awesome 🤩.
Uros Durdevic

Easy to find good resources


Awesome collection



Felix Joy
Thank you so much.
Jacob Thejus

Very helpful tool to find the resources for designers. Thank you so much.


Too good



Felix Joy
Thank you
VR Comrie

I would use this source for inspiration and for access to free stock photos


Free to use, free sources I might not have heard about otherwise


Can't think of any

Felix Joy
Thank you
Dilan Dane 🎈
Oh man I'm not even a real designer, but this is going to be extremely useful!
Felix Joy
@dilan I am glad that you found it useful. Thank you
Althaf Roshan

Liked the night mode shift


- Easy to find design resources

- Great collections

- Great UI


- None as of now

Felix Joy
Thank you
Althaf Roshan
Would be nice if you can personalise this based on the usage.
Felix Joy
@althafroshan That needs some serious development skills. But surely will be adding in new cool features soon.
Aleksey Popov
Nice collection of useful resources. Thank you @felixjoy!
Felix Joy
@alekseypopov I'm glad you found it useful. Thank you.
Daeshawn Ballard
This is great! Thanks for this.
Felix Joy
@imdaeshawn Thank you so much!
Sarun Sankar
Very helpful tool.
Felix Joy
@sarun_sankar Thank you!
Karine Darbinyan

Will try it for sure


Cool design, colors



Felix Joy
Thank you
Grahame Booker
Amazing selection of well researched andextremely useful resources. Love it