Clark Valberg

The Animation Handbook on Design Better - Guide to animation best practices in digital product design.

This book explains the seven principles of bringing motion into user interface design, and describes how animation is the bridge to telling better stories and engaging users in more human and intuitive ways.

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Clark Valberg
Animation Handbook is our newest book in the Design Better library. The book was written by Ryan McLeod, the designer of the infamous game Blackbox, which won an Apple Design Award and has become a testbed for interaction design and accessibility innovation. You’ll also see animations and illustrations by the talented Pablo Stanley, Joshua Oluwagbemiga, and Ranganath Krishnamani. This book explains the seven principles of bringing motion into user interface design, and describes how animation is the bridge to telling better stories and engaging users in more human and intuitive ways. Inside, you’ll see how the world’s best—including Google, Lyft, Headspace, and Zova Fitness—use animation to craft exceptional and intuitive digital product interfaces. All of these insights and visuals come together to put principles into practice, and show you how motion can enable stronger design systems and more expressive brands. I can’t wait to hear what you think! Read Animation Handbook
Denis Shershnev
Interesting insights clarkvalberg !
Kayle amer
Looks so cool. Can I share this on my blog which I'm working for anime apps?