Showcases is the latest feature in DesignGapp that allows users to quickly and easily present their designs. Upload your design files and highlight them with auto-generated background colors, device frames, and more!
Hey everyone! We've added a new feature to DesignGapp -- Showcases allow you to upload and share your designs with the world. Just drop in your latest-and-greatest and set a background or device frame (or not) and publish for review. Just like with Projects and Styleguides, you can add in your color palette, fonts, and any helpful files. You can choose a theme and even include a color accessibility report (with auto-generated accessible color alternates). Feedback is very much welcomed and we sincerely hope this helps you with your design presentations!
DesignGapp is (and always will be) FREE to use but if you need access to more Projects, Styleguides, or Showcases please use the promo code "SHOWCASE" for 50% off our Pro or Team plans.