Andrian Valeanu

Static Pages - Upload static HTML pages to WordPress websites 🚀

Static Pages allows you to publish any static page on a WordPress website with any URL in a matter of seconds. And it is perfect for SEO. ⚡️
Do you want to improve sales by adding a beautiful landing page for your existing shop? Then Static Pages is for you.

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Jay Holtslander
I like it *but* the subscription model sucks. Makes this basically just an expensive part of the sales funnel for Designmodo's other products. Would be totally willing to pay $49 as a one time purchase standalone product. Or more for an Agency license for use on unlimited websites.
Sergey Shmidt
@j_holtslander You can do that, though. Purchase and cancel the subscription. Unfortunately, in this case, you will not receive any updates of the plugin in the future.
Jay Holtslander
@monstercritic1 Having a plugin on client sites that will be perpetually flagged as out of date and needing an update is fairly unappealing (Even if it receives just a readme.txt change every 12 months that'd be enough to flag it.)
Joel Runyon
@j_holtslander thought this was pricy too because i thought it was a monthly fee - but as a yearly fee - it's what - 5x more expensive than the domain name? but probably more useful?
Andrian Valeanu
Hello Product Hunters! 👋 The Designmodo team is here with a new product! We are excited to launch Static Pages, a simple WordPress plugin for people who want to upload static websites to a WordPress environment. This plugin comes free for Slides and Startup customers. — ❓Problem People love static websites; sometimes it's necessary to use WordPress and static landing pages together. So, how do you do this? How do you avoid broken URLs and WordPress conflicts? Our old response to these questions was to hire a coder to do it for you, or spend some time to do the setup by yourself... That sounds less than ideal. 🙁 💡Solution A WordPress plugin which resolves those problems for you. Static Pages helps you add a static webpage directly to your WordPress website in a few seconds. Just choose the static page archive, click upload and write the URL. 🤩 So simple? Yes! Don’t believe it? Watch this short video. 📝 Suggestions 🙏 We’d love to get some feedback and we're happy to answer questions! 😃 - Designmodo Team.
Fajar Siddiq
Congratulations on the launch! This is awesome guys. Love it! Much love from Singapore. HTML to WORDPRESS plugin. cool I just finish watching the video, looks very interesting! So it will work with css/js too? Because my index.html have some styling on .css and some stuffs on .js So if the file is upload on 1 page of the .html turn into 1 page? Can it be edited on wordpress also?
Sergey Shmidt
@fajarsiddiq Thank you for the questions, Fajar! > So it will work with css/js too? Sure it will, as long as it is in the same folder of the archive. > So if the file is upload on 1 page of the .html turn into 1 page? For each html file in the archive, you can create a unique URL on your WordPress based website. > Can it be edited on WordPress also? You can edit the code using the code editor we provided with the plugin. No visual editor, though.
Fajar Siddiq
@monstercritic1 WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE THIS REPLY. nice one dude!!!!! ;) this will be the GAME CHANGER!!!!!!
Sergey Shmidt
@fajarsiddiq Haha, yay! That's the spirit! 🥳
Michael Girg
Amazing product. I better world is possible where non technical people can have a WordPress admin experience and developers can work on plain-old-simple static sites. This is a great marriage between a CMS and a static site. I'll be watching you grow. Great work and I'll try your product soon!
Chris Germano
This directly solves a problem I face with some frequency. While not applicable to any of my current work, I will bookmark this for future reference. Thanks!
Joel Runyon
Will there be a slides => WP direct integration? Seems like you could speed things by just hooking up the accounts and selecting the page directly. Seems like this could be a good alternative to leadpages/clickfunnels/thrive?
Sergey Shmidt
@joelrunyon Working on it ;)
Really sweet!
Nathan Windsor
So Sketch and anima can export static sites. How can we export their assets into this?
Sergey Shmidt
If you can open the page locally - then you can host it. We didn't try upload that particular pages you mentioned, but if those are static pages - then this should be ok.
Ricardo Oliveira
Hey congrats. Thats awesome. Today I use Divi by Elegant Themes all the time for this need but sometimes is just too much for something simple, specially thinking about MVP. Thanks for sharing.
webby cool

curious if this could be a worthy free alternative:


cool plugin


not price conscious

Sergey Shmidt
Hi, Webby Cool! Unfortunately, the alternative provided with just 9 "simple" steps just to share a webpage online. 😖 That's at least ~30 minutes of time and precious brain juice. Our way offers a one-step ( (and soon one-click) way, and you don't have to know anything about servers and/or hosting to make the page public with any name imaginable (including homepage). PS: Thanks for the sharing, though! I was desperately tried to google a solution for a long time. Obviously, I failed ;)
Carlos Branco
Amazing tool. Really useful.
Sebastien Lhomme
Such a neat and useful idea. Very well executed too. Well done!
Sergey Shmidt
@slhomme Thank you, Sebastien!
Amazing tool!
Jay Holtslander
Feature Request: Have a checkbox for "Page is AMP" and set the <link rel="amphtml" href="..."> and <link rel="canonical" href="..."> accordingly if so.
Andrian Valeanu
@j_holtslander Hey! Thank you for suggestion!
Lisa Louvar
The video looks awesome @andrianv . I have been busy and have been putting off a needed conversion to WordPress. It looks like you just saved me a few hours!
Parker Ituk
Does this work for any path including the homepage "/"
Michael Dantzie
Can you upload any HTML site files using this plugin, or do you need to sign up to Slides and Startup?
Andrian Valeanu
@michael_dantzie You can uplaod any HTML website :)
Alita Angle
Parker Ituk
awesome jobs guys, I have been thinking of moving my Wordpress site to headless and using Gatsby but this might just do the job since I still want some part of the site to be dynamic.
Pasquale Baseotto
Where can you download the plugin please?
Andrian Valeanu
@pasquale_baseotto You can download the plugin directly from your account on Designmodo.