Hey PH!
It's been 2 years since the first version of Desk was publicly released (and on PH too!) and since then I've been super-humbled by the response. Crazy how time flies...!
When I first released Desk I wasn't sure there was much more room for another native writing and blogging app for the Mac but I was pleasantly surprised by the response!
Since the first release Desk has won "Best App of the Year" awards for 2014 and 2015...! Couldn't be more proud of the community that's come alongside me while putting together this small indie mac app!
Version 3 is completely re-written from the ground-up with a brand-new UI. It's also exclusively now for WordPress. I'm passionately curious about digital publishing and I've been blogging every single day for 15 years... if you have any questions for me I'm avail!
Thanks PH!
OH! It was just FEATURED in the Mac App Store, world-wide! What an amazing day this is turning out to be...!
@florianmascaro now that i'm focused 100% on WP I can iterate and work on these types of things! For instance, already working on Post Excerpts: https://john.do/desk-v31-post-ex...
I'll put this on the list! Stay tuned!
@chriscchan --- awesome! then you'll want to definitely stay tuned for mnml app: http://mnml.af/ ... you'll find that much more to your liking...!
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Hey John. Congratulations on the new release. I hope it goes great!
I love reading your blog posts and the very open newsletter. Keep up the awesome work man 👍
Were you able to get two-factor authentication working with Desk 3? I had too many problems with v2 and 2FA. It would reject the credentials every other day or so
@dillieo yes, it should be working, but, as you know, these things can often break... so, keep me informed if you see anything wonky! Your support means a lot to me!
Net Neutrality is still alive...for now.. Thank @8bit . Any plans to help loyal fans/users of 2.x with a discount reward on upgrade price? Appreciate the efforts to support freedom.
@benmorris ben, i wish i could do that easily via the Mac App Store... but it's not simple. I've given the world a holiday discount though... :) Appreciate it, your support keeps indie development going!
@labnol version 1 & 2 still work although I will no longer be supporting it full-time. I'm following a bit of the logic and rationale a'la Tapbots and their amazing Tweetbot product.
Hey John! Scott from Imagely just recommended I try Desk to manage my WP posting offline. Keen to see how it plays with my theme - is there any way to get a trial before purchasing?
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