Desk Story
Generate fancy page from your desktime stats
BatΔ±n EryΔ±lmaz
Desk Story β€” Generate fancy page from your desktime stats
πŸ€“ Do you like sharing your DeskTime profile on your social media? πŸ€”
πŸ‘» You do not have to take screenshot anymore πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠ
πŸ‘‰πŸΌ Desk Story generates fancy page from your DeskTime stats 😎
πŸ‘‰πŸΌ You can share them on your social media 😎
Hasan Tezcan
Good idea, a little touch, and a big effect. I can share my desktime activity easily and good looking on Instagram story anymore. Good job bro πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
BatΔ±n EryΔ±lmaz
@hasantezcan Thank you, hope you enjoy it :)
Nikos Melachrinos
Cool design! A bit worried about seeing what my data will look like tho...!
Furkan Demirturk
@nikosmela thanks a lot!
Bora TanrΔ±kulu
Well design. Good job.
BatΔ±n EryΔ±lmaz
@bora_tanrikulu thanks a lot :)
Ian Cooper
Wonderful design! Clear, effective and worthwhile! Excellent job!
Furkan Demirturk
@ian_cooper1 Thank you for your feedback! :)
Ty Cooper ( β‚Ώ )
I love how developers are the target market
Furkan Demirturk
@tycooperaow Thank you so much! :)