Marios @dessign

AI Tools Directory - Discover best tools, products for designers & developers

Discover all the best tools and products for designers, developers, and marketers in over 30+ categories. Best hand-picked and fully curated tools for future builders and creators. We have ~50K monthly visits, with (DR85) Domain Rating and 70K + Subs

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Marios @dessign
Hello Product Hunters! Building Dessign Directory hand-picked and curated the best tools and products you can discover and submit your own. This would be a great place to market your tool or product where I will be using and personally testing and reviewing it, then will share it on social media, X, LinkedIn Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest... We have ~50K monthly visits, with (DR85) domain rating and 70K Subscribers Limited time: You can email us your tool or product for a FREE listing - only at the launch date we will offer a free listing...
That's great! Being able to get on the list for free on launch day is an excellent opportunity, I will send you an email.
Marios @dessign
@zenda1122 Thank you Zenda.. Yes please send email and I will make sure to add you to our Directory and we also will send a newsletter to over 70k subscribers each Monday ..
Lazar Krstić
Launching soon!
Great library, I will check it out!
Marios @dessign
@lazarkrstic Thank you Lazar .. got your email .. will feature your product on Monday πŸ‘πŸ‘
Marios @dessign
@lazarkrstic no messing around 😎
Kyrylo Silin
This sounds like a fantastic opportunity! How long does the review and approval process typically take after a product is submitted? Also, do you have any specific criteria for the tools and products you choose to feature? Looking forward to exploring Dessign Directory and potentially submitting a product!
Marios @dessign
@kyrylosilin Thank you Kyrylo, we will review each tool / product and get it listed in 1-2 days depends how many free submissions we get.. I will make sure everyone gets featured in our directory and we also send a newsletter each Monday to over 70k subscribers - We have many categories but AI / SaaS are the most popular ones..
Lover People
That's impressive! Your curated selection of tools for designers, developers, and marketers sounds incredibly valuable, especially with such a high Domain Rating (DR85) and a large subscriber base. With ~50K monthly visits, it’s clear that your platform is a trusted resource. GB Pro 10 is eager to explore these tools and join this thriving community of future builders and creators.
Marios @dessign
@markjones555 Thank you πŸ™.. Yes we will make sure to add your product .. please email us so we can get everyone review and feature in our directory πŸ‘
Really useful and interesting finds on the site. Congrats on the launch πŸŽ‰
Marios @dessign
@derkolstad Thank you Derek.. got your submission.. will posted live on Monday πŸ‘πŸ‘
congrats on the launch. with such a large selection and curation, how do you identify and assess new tools to include in your directory? what trends are you seeing in the tools that designers and developers are currently favoring?
Marios @dessign
@mashy Thank you Albert … AI tools are most popular at the moment
Thet Lin Thu
So many hand-picked tools all in one place. Kudos on the launch!