🚀 Codekeep lets you store and share bits of code and text with other users. Snippets can be organized into folders/labels for instant reuse. Create code screenshots and link it with codekeep.
👋🏻 Hello Everyone,
Codekeep is inspired from Google Keep, Google Keep is a great tool , but lacks features when you want to store code snippets.
Organize your Code Snippets by assigning labels or grouping into folders. Generate Code Screenshots, Share and Discover reusable snippets.
🗂 Organize your Code Snippets by assigning labels or grouping into folders. Generate Code Screenshots, Share and Discover reusable snippets.
✨ Features
⚡️Create Snippets Quickly
Press 'Paste' anywhere on the website to launch the 'Add Snippet' Dialog.
⚡️Organize into Folders
Share your folder & bookmark folders of other users, if you found it useful
⚡️Assign Labels
Organize Code Snippets by creating labels, filter snippets by label
⚡️Feature rich Screenshot editor
Choose templates, Add Images, Background and Social accounts in one click.
⚡️Discover Code Snippets
Discover reusable code snippets shared on codekeep, and yes , we have dark mode.
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Pinterest of Code!
I remember who originally pioneered working on exact idea before.
Mishka Orakzai @thiscodeworks.
Her project https://www.producthunt.com/post...
For some reasons, PH did not feature her project.
~~I was just thinking that it's a shame there isn't something like commandlinefu.com for SQL. It'd be great if you could add SQL to the discover list (perhaps with tags for specific variants).~~
Oh wait, I found out there's a dropdown there. Neat!
I think this is a great idea! I love using Google Keep and I think that there is a lot of inspiration to be taken from it and applied to more niche cases like this. Great work :)
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