This desktop app helps makers apply the principles of Journal and Deep Work in the moments of low willpower. So you can ship that next project faster and better.
I'm excited to share a product that I have been working on for past 4 yrs. Looking for your feedback. You might be interested in knowing
Feature List
* Markdown supported diary to get things out of your head
* Measure how much of your work is deep work and track progress
* Shortcut to open the app from wherever you're on the computer CmdOrCtrl+Shift+I
* Dark theme
Why use this app?
* Stay on the course of your side project
* Work-life balance
* Finish work before 5PM
* Avoid burnout
* Implement 4hr work day with great output
* Become a better developer - "writing is thinking"
Most of the ideas for this app are inspired by the book Deep Work by Prof. Cal Newport. After reading the book, I was excited to improve my deep work skill, but as the initial motivation drained after a week, everything was same. I wanted to fix that and this app is the result of that quest. This has helped me a lot, changing my 8 hr work-day to 4 hr of focused work day. Hope you like it and achieve your new year resolution.
I release biweekly updates to the app. I am seeking feedback to make the next release even better. Thank you and wish you the best to achieve your new year resolutions.
Ask me anything related to the app or general productivity
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