Sam Soffes

Runtime — Suspiciously Dark - Very first episode of Runtime! This week, WWDC wish list.

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Leah Culver
Excited to hear more episodes about iOS from Sam and Caleb (experts). Just in time for WWDC! 😎 Great episode to listen and get excited for new iOS stuff. A UI refresh is long overdue in my opinion too.
Sam Soffes
@leahculver thanks! Ya excited to get into more technical things. We thought it would be fun to start with our WWDC wish list though since it's all we're thinking about right now :P
Leah Culver
@soffes Nice! There may be a lot more technical stuff to talk about after next week too... I see a lot of Swift on the WWDC schedule. 😁
Sam Soffes
Really excited about starting this new show with @calebd! We're both looking forward to talking about Swift, iOS, and other stuff we're into. There's so much great stuff happening in the Swift community now that it's open source. I can't wait to keep up this weekly short TL;DR on Swift things and other stuff in the community! 😃🎉
Michael Knepprath
Perfect length - and I agree, WE NEED EMOJI SEARCH!!! Great debut, and a great addition to the Spec network. Awesome job, guys!
Brian Lovin
Short, to the point, a good mix of technical and non-technical so anyone can follow along. These are the only people I trust to tell me what to know about iOS :*
Tara Mann
Sam and Caleb are insanely knowledgeable about iOS/Swift, excited to hear them dive into dev topics, as well as get their opinions on the latest Apple stuff. Also, perfect length podcast for a quick listen.