Jonno Riekwel - daily game devlog finds is the start of a much bigger idea. For now, we hand pick awesome indie game devs on Youtube, and share their work here. Next, I want make a job board, asset store, private profile links and much more. Bookmark it, you're gonna wanna come back.

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Jonno Riekwel
Launching soon!
Hello everyone! It's time I finally release the project I've been working on for a bit. In it's current form, we share 12 videos a day, that get posted every 2 hours, of amazing dev logs we find on youtube. Manually curated. The amount of amazing indie game dev logs on youtube is staggering. I have over 1000 in a queue to be posted, and that's only videos from 2024. Some have 5 views, some have 500k views, but they’re often equal in quality. I want to level the playing field a bit and give every indie game dev, big or small, a platform to be found. I want to expand quickly with: - Job board - Public profiles - Game jam - And much more
Jonno Riekwel
Launching soon!
@andyroamer I basically let Youtube recommendations do it's thing. I use an a Youtube playlist as the source and use a script to pull the latest every day and adds them into a queue. Then another script publishes the oldest queued video and publishes it. Into a postgres database managed with Directus.
Jamie Peak
Congrats on the launch @jonnotie! Loving the design btw, totally fits the product/market. 🙌
Lonny Shatzel
Hey there! I really like the idea of showcasing indie game devs who might not get as much exposure.
Alexander William Hawkins
Congrats Jonno! This is a fantastic way to spotlight indie game devs. Love the idea of giving everyone a chance to shine, no matter their audience size. Best of luck with the feature expansions.
Michael Turner
Love the idea of solving the discoverability problem for indie game devs. Giving smaller creators a platform alongside bigger ones is awesome. Congrats on the launch. Good luck!
Jonno Riekwel
Launching soon!
@michaelturner Thank you :D
Liam Patrick O'Connor
This sounds like a great way to give indie devs more visibility! With so much content out there, having a platform to highlight indie game devs is awesome. Congrats on the launch! 🎮
Awesome concept! Will there be a way for users to suggest indie devs to feature, and how do you envision the job board working? Excited to see how this evolves—counting down to future updates!
Jonno Riekwel
Launching soon!
@allen_xu1130 I'm gonna add a "submit" button really soon. The job board will be called "quests" and "side quests". Jobs from big companies and gigs from fellow indie devs, hiring other devs or artists. It will be a bit manual at first, but when I got auth working, I'll make a custom UI for it. Currently. Directus has a nice CMS that I could invite people to where they can then post the jobs. The jobs would be for a one time fee. Or maybe included in a "studio" subscription in the future.
Love to see this!
Abdellah Sabiri
Thank you for the tool, i struggle to find gamedev content, it would be great to include articles or discussions too.
Jonno Riekwel
Launching soon!
@abdsab Thank you. Yeah I want to list a whole lot more content over time for sure.
Jord Riekwel
Love this. Nice work bro.
Lekan Oladosu
This is a great curation platform. A quick question is do you have a plan ensure good quality exposure and view time to every devlog content when you begin to scale (So as not to fall into the same youtube cycle of lots of content no exposure for game devs)
Jonno Riekwel
Launching soon!
@culjo Yeah I do have a plan. Currently it's hand-picked, but in the future, when you have user accounts, content collection would be different. I still have a massive queue and 3 months "runway" of content.
Joris Machielse
Vette shit man!
Justin Mitchell
Considering everything @jonnotie does is amazing, I’m super pumped to see how this grows!
Ferruccio Balestreri
Super cool :) Spent the last half an hour playing with this
Jonno Riekwel
Launching soon!
@frcbls Haha awesome. Come back in 2 hours.
Kyrylo Silin
Hey Jonno, How do you curate the content? Is it purely manual, or do you use any automation to help find high-quality videos? As you expand, have you considered adding a community aspect where devs can interact and share feedback on each other's projects? Congrats on the launch!
Jonno Riekwel
Launching soon!
@kyrylosilin it’s currently all manual. With the help of some targeted searches as well. But I keep finding new things. The community part will be very important for sure. That’s gonna be part of it.
Aris Nakos
Firstly, I really like the UI design. Secondly, I just clicked on 1 of your videos, and I noticed immediately the level of professionalism the maker brought. Clearly, you are doing a great job curating. Looking forward to the future.
Sam Asante
Great work Jonno! Love those button styles 😃
Ivy Maxwell
This is a great deal for everyone Indie devs get more exposure, and gamers get to enjoy awesome, unique games.
Hey Jonno. You’ve created a brilliant way to spotlight indie game developers. You have our team's full support with 👏
Charlie Greene
Congrats on the launch! Can't wait to see what's next – bookmarked and ready to return for more inspiration!
Jonno Riekwel
Launching soon!
@charlie_greene3 appreciate it :D