Dante Orpilla

Dials 1.0 - Clock based calendar app for iPhone

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Dante Orpilla
HI! I’m Dante Orpilla. You may remember me from such nature films as “Upvoted, Ep.0” (https://redd.it/2rp3h5) and “The AMA Book” (https://www.producthunt.com/book...). Im the Co-founder and Designer of Dials here to answer any questions and address any concerns. Dials is a product of passion… passionate hatred. Of reading tiny calendar text on a phone, and thumb fighting with impossible operation while driving, or while mobile in general. Events become icons. The grid becomes a standard 12 hour clock. Please enjoy responsibly. As always, feedback is warmly welcomed.
Alexis Ohanian
@orionsdada This is a super creative & beautiful take on the mobile calendar, which shouldn't be surprising given Dante's work. (Dante is Reddit’s long time artist in residence) Dials sets events around a 12 hour clock, at the time they start, so visualizing your day is pretty effortless. It also let’s you chat with attendees without jumping to email or text. Syncs with Google and iCloud. BAM.
Dante Orpilla
@alexisohanian Thanks for the kind words, brother. They mean a lot.
Raj Singh
@orionsdada Big congrats! A clock based interface for visualizing your day makes absolute sense and given that most people have few events, it's an expedient way to visualize your day! Love the experience and look fwd to seeing this appear on all smart watches! :)
Dante Orpilla
@mobileraj Tempo was a huge inspiration to our efforts and a pioneer in the calendar beautification movement. I can't tell you how many times I walked up on our dev with Tempo on my screen and said, "You see this?!? This is fkn gorgeous! We need to up our game!" HAHAHAHA... so yeah, Your comment almost me cry. Thanks of the support, ma man.
Thomas Scriven
Dante, I am very proud of you and the rest of the team at Dials. The attention to detail as well as intention for the end product is something very special. I'm honored to have you as Co-founder and can't wait to show the world what's next for Dials.
Dante Orpilla
@thomas_scriven Likewise, brother.
Emmie Chang
Google calendar is straightforward and vanilla. Dials helps me plan my day in a nice visually stunning experience that tracks my appointments and events without having to make me scroll vertically. I highly recommend using this app to improve your productivity and add a nice dose of great design to your daily calendar!
Dante Orpilla
Thanks, @emmie! We knew that some people enjoyed straightforward and Vanilla AND THATS OK!... but we also knew there were a ton of people that didn't. We knew because we were them. Good bumping into like-minded folk... albeit digitally. ❤️
LeDoux VanVeckhoven
Congrats on the amazing app Dials team. I'm in business development and am always on the run at conferences and driving around town for meetings. If you're a busy professional, this will make your life a lot easier and organized.
Dante Orpilla
@ledouxxit Thank you. Yeah, we found a couple of use cases where Dials really shines. Conferences, music festivals, things of this nature... they all were a lot easier to navigate around the dial.
Baard O. Hansen
Love the design and usability
Dante Orpilla
@ibaard Appreciate it. It's gonna get better. 🙏
Jaleh Afshar
Well-crafted with a gorgeous interface and branding. Nicely done.
Gerard Adams
Definitely something I will be using. Awesome app!
Dante Orpilla
@gerardadams excellent. We have some pretty nifty tricks up our sleeve planned for the near future. Thanks for riding along.
Daniel Lim
any support for exchange calendars? Please?
Dante Orpilla
@daniellim hey Daniel! We're about halfway done with exchange Integration. Hoping to get it into this next 2 week update. 👍
Blake Miller
Finally a beautiful calendar after they killed off Sunrise!
Thomas Scriven
@imbmills Blake! Thank you for the kind words. Dante is a pixel genius and we've all worked very hard.
Keith Teare
Great job with this Dante
Dante Orpilla
@kteare appreciate it, Keith.
Jelena Woehr
Enjoying this... takes a lot of the stress out of looking at my calendar just by getting ride of all the white space and text. A soothing black dial instead puts me in a much more "I got this" frame of mind.
Dante Orpilla
@jelenawoehr Because you do. You do got this.
Shara Senderoff
Congrats, guys! Looks fantastic and is very much needed. Calendars to date are impossibly inconvenient. I'm a fan.
Kristine Le
This was incredibly executed, Dante and Thomas! Congrats on version 1.0! I am super impressed with the onboarding animations and overall usage of motion design in the app. I plan to integrate it into my workflow. Great job with everything! It has come a long way since you first showed me! Wishing you both all the best and success :)!
Patrick Srail
Great job on the UX innovation front -- can tell that you guys didn't just sweat every pixel, but also the entire interaction model.
This is proper design.
Philip Ferreira
Beautiful UI!
Andy Karuza
A friend recommend I check this out. It looks like a nice design.