Aaron O'Leary

Diffuse - A music player that connects to cloud/distributed storage.

Diffuse plays music from your Dropbox, IPFS node, Amazon S3 bucket, or any other cloud/distributed storage service you use.

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Aaron O'Leary
This is so well designed, I love the use of the image in the background. Really interesting idea as well. @icidasset what's the product road map for this?
Steven Vandevelde
@aaronoleary Thanks! I'm working on V2 right now, which currently includes: - Application data storage on IPFS with encryption - Support for more file formats - Improved UI and accessibility Full changelog can be found here: https://github.com/icidasset/dif... Next to that, I don't know for sure yet, depends on what is possible. Some ideas I had: - Better WebDAV support (on web version as well) - Support for more services, like HTTP servers and Blockstack Gaia Storage (using global collections) - Album art view - Playback improvements (remember position, preload next, etc) - Alternative native implementations (ie. no electron -> smaller download) - Mobile app Suggestions are welcome ☺️